Okay. So this one asks us, which of the following statements is consistent with the behaviorist understanding of language acquisition? So let's run through them and see what they say. Alright. So a reads, language develops as an interplay between inherent biology and social conditioning.
The behaviorist theory does believe in that kind of social conditioning component, but they don't really focus on biology at all. So a is incorrect. B reads that humans are predisposed to learning languages as children, again focusing on this innate predisposition; behaviorists don't really think about that, so b is incorrect. C says language development is the result of positive reinforcement from caregivers, and that is definitely behaviorist, right? This idea that we are basically learning language through operant conditioning, so when caregivers positively reinforce language use, children will want to repeat those phrases more and more.
That is sounding like behaviorist theory, let's just read D to make sure. So D says children will learn language as long as they are exposed to it, regardless of reinforcement, and a behaviorist would never say regardless of reinforcement. Right? They love reinforcement. So our answer here is going to be C.
Alright. There you go, and I'll see you in the next one.