Alright, so for this one we're going to be reading through these examples and determining if they are talking about stimulus generalization or stimulus discrimination. So our first one reads, a lab rat learns that it often gets fed first thing in the morning when the researcher enters. Now anytime a light turns on it runs to its food bowl. So it sounds like this rat has basically generalized its response, right? It learned that when the light turns on first thing in the morning it's going to get food but it kind of generalized that and now it's basically responding any time a light turns on.
So that would be stimulus generalization. Alright, b reads that sheepdogs are trained using 3 distinct whistle calls. Based on which whistle sound they hear they will perform a different task. So it sounds like those dogs have basically learned to discriminate between those very similar types of stimuli and perform a specific task for each one. So that would be an example of stimulus discrimination.
And then finally, in c it says, A cat is classically conditioned to meow when they hear certain words. After a while the cat starts to meow anytime a person speaks. So it sounds like that cat has basically generalized its response, right? It's no longer responding to that very specific conditioned stimulus of those, you know, words it was trained on. It's kind of generalized that response and now it's responding to any words.
So that would be stimulus generalization. All right, I will see you guys in our next one. Bye bye!