There. So up to this point, we've talked a lot about operations you can do on complex numbers written in polar form. Now in this video, we're going to be taking a look at how you can find the roots of complex numbers, such as the square root or the cube root. Now, something I'm going to warn you about: the process for doing this is actually quite tedious. And before we get into things, I may recommend that you check with your professors, teachers, or instructors to see if this is something you're actually going to need to do. Because oftentimes in courses, this will actually be taught at the end, so it's not something you might necessarily need to know. But if this is something you are going to need to know for your course, don't sweat it because we're going to go over some examples and situations that will hopefully make this process seem super straightforward. Let's just go ahead and get right into things.
Now we've talked about how to deal with real numbers. Right? And if we have some number, let's say, 2, and we raise it to the 3rd power, we get 8. Now, it's actually possible to reverse this procedure by taking the cube root. So, if you cube 2, taking a cube root will get you back to 2. This is something we should know by now. Now if we're dealing with a complex number, we learned in the last video how you can take a complex number and raise it to a power using de Moivre's theorem. So in theory, by taking this complex number and raising it to the 13 power or cube rooting it, it should get us back to where we started. But let's actually see if this is true.
So, let's go over to this complex number here, and let's see if we can apply de Moivre's theorem to this exponent that we have. So I'm going to take this 8, this is the r value, and I'm going to raise it to the 13 power. So we're going to have 813, and then we'll have cis in front of this, and keep in mind cis is just a combination of the sines and cosines. It's cosine theta plus i sine theta. So we're going to have cis, and then it's going to be 13 of the angle that we have started with 45 degrees. Now, as you can see, 813 is going to give you 2. And 13 of 45 degrees is 15 degrees. So it looks like we actually did get back to where we started.
Well, it turns out this is actually not the only solution, and that's what makes dealing with complex numbers in polar form very tedious when you're trying to find these roots. Because when it comes to these numbers, you would actually have multiple roots that form when you do this. So what's actually going to happen is you're going to have cis 13 of 45 degrees, but then we need to take this whole thing, and we need to add 360 degrees times k. And this will actually give you the full result.
Now, of course, this begs an interesting question. What's with this 360 degrees, and what exactly is k? Well, it turns out k is actually a number that depends on whatever number you have here. So if we say that 3 here is n, k actually depends on this n value, which we're going to talk about more in a moment here. And 360 degrees, that just accounts for a full rotation. So it's possible that you'll see 360 degrees or you'll see 2π. In this case, since we were dealing with degrees, 360 degrees is what we dealt with. But if we had radians, we would say 2π. And you're gonna take that multiplied by k, and this will give you all possible solutions when dealing with roots of complex numbers.
So what the equation looks like is something like this. You'll have r to the one over n, which is what we have right there, but then it will be cis θk. Now finding these θk's is the tedious part, but if you recognize θk, you just gonna be 1 over n, which is what we have there, times θ plus 2πk or 360 degrees times k, then you can find these solutions whenever you have them. And the k values are going to go from 0 all the way up to n minus 1, and they will be the integer values that you have. So in this case, we can see that n is 3 and 3 minus 1 is 2, so that means our k values are going to be 0, 1, and 2.
So if you take this 0 and you replace the k with it and then solve that, then you_take 1 and replace it with k, then you take 2 and replace it with k, you'll get 3 different solutions and that will be the final solution to your problem. Now if I simplify this a bit further, I can write this 2 to the 13 as 2, so it's going to be 2, and then we'll have cis 13 of 45 degrees plus 360 degrees, and that 360 is gonna be multiplied by k. And this right here would be the solution to what we have.
Now to actually see what all of these solutions are going to be, to write them out to make sure we have this down, let's actually try an example where we're dealing with the same numbers we have here. So in this example, we're asked to find the cube root of 8cis 45 degrees. And in these types of problems, your first step should be to figure out what this r to the one over n is. Well, we actually already figured that out up here. We said that it's 2 because r to the one over n, in this case, is going to be 8, and since we're finding a cube root, it's 8 to the 1 third. 8 to the 1 third is 2. So that means that every single z value that we have, every solution that we're going to have is going to have 2 as the r value, and that's our first step.
Now our next step is going to be to set up all of the different z solutions, which remember it's r to the one over n cis each of these thetas. So in this case when we have that zk is r to the one over n cis each of these thetas. So the different θk's, well we said that k is going to be 0, 1, and 2. So down here if k is going to be 0, 1, and 2, then those are going to be all the z's and θk's that we have. So we'll have z₀, z₁, and z₂, and then for here we'll have θ₀, θ₁, and θ₂. Now, of course, our last step is going to be to figure out what all these θk's are, and this is really the tricky part when dealing with complex roots. But we're going to go ahead and do this by just going over each θ that we have and solving it.
Now this is the equation for θk, and what I see is that our first θk that we have is θ₀. Now one over n is the same thing as 1 third in this problem and we won't have 1 third of our angle θ. Our angle θ is 45 degrees then that's going to be plus 360 degrees times our first k value, which is 0. So I can see that we have 0 here, so we're just gonna multiply this 360 degrees by 0. Now anything times 0 is just going to be 0. So all we're going to end up having is that θ₀ is 1 third of 45 degrees, and 1 third of 45 is 15. So the first angle we have is 15 degrees, and that's the first solution right there. Now let's find our second solution. Our second solution is going to be 1 third of 45 degrees plus, and they're going to have 360 times the next k value. The next k value is going to be 1, so we're going to multiply that by 1. Now the way that I can do this is I could combine things here, or I could actually just distribute this 1 third to do this by hand. And that's what I'm gonna do, because I think that's gonna be a little easier. So we're going to have 1 third of 45 degrees, which is 15 degrees. 360 times 1 is just 360, and 1 third of 360 is a 120. Now 120 degrees plus 15 degrees is a 135 degrees, so that's going to be θ₁, and that's our second solution right there. Now our last solution is going to be θ₂, and for θ₂, we're going to have 1 third of 45 degrees plus 360 degrees times our last k value, which is 2. So we're gonna multiply that by 2. Now again, I'm going to take this 1 third here, I'm going to distribute it into the parentheses. So going to have a 1 third of 45 degrees, which is 15 degrees, that's going to be plus, and I'm going to distribute this 1 third to the 360 degrees. Because 1 third of 360 is a 120 degrees, and that's still going to be multiplied by this 2 though. Now from here, we're going to have 15 degrees plus a 120 times 2 which is 240 degrees. So 15 degrees plus 240 degrees, and at 15 plus 240 that's going to be 255 degrees. So our last solution has an angle of 255 degrees, and this right here is z₀, z₁, and z₂_, and those are all our solutions and our 3rd step. So that is how you can solve these types of problems. As you can see, you get multiple solutions and multiple roots. But as long as you go through this process of finding each of the θ values and then finding each of the corresponding z values, solving these problems becomes pretty straightforward. So that is how you can take roots of complex numbers. Let's go ahead and get some more practice with this.