So in earlier videos, we learned the law of sines, and then we learned how to use the law of sines to solve 3 different types of triangles. Well, similarly, now that we've learned the law of cosines, I'm going to show you in this video how we can use the law of cos to solve the last two types of triangles you'll run into, the SAS and SSS triangles. I've come up with a list of steps to help you solve these types of problems, and, basically, what it is is we're just gonna use the law of cosines to solve for missing sides and angles. Let's just go ahead and jump right into this problem, and I'll show you how it works. So we have this triangle here in which we're given some information. Little a is 4, little b is 3, and big C is equal to 60 degrees. Now if you haven't already drawn this triangle or if it's not already shown to you, the first thing you'll do is sketch the triangle. But I've already done that for you. And what we can see here is that we have 2 sides, a and b, but not their corresponding angles, and then we have one angle, bu...
Let me know if you have any questions, and let's get some practice.