Let's give this problem a try. So in this problem, we're told if vector v has initial point 1,2 and terminal point 4,4, sketch v as a position vector and calculate its magnitude. Now, to solve this problem, the first thing I'm going to do is figure out what vector v is in component form. This is always a good first step when you're dealing with these types of problems where you're given the initial and terminal point of a vector. To find this component form, what I can do is take the final x and subtract off the initial x, and then take the final y and subtract off the initial y, and that's going to give us our vector.
First off, we can see that for x2, this is going to be the x value for the terminal point, which is 4. So what I can first do is plug in 4 to this equation. Next, I'm going to subtract off the initial x, and the initial x is 1. So we're going to have 4 minus 1 for the difference in the x's. As for the y's, I can see that we have y2, and y2 is going to be this y value for the terminal point, which is 4, and then this is going to be minus the initial y, and the initial y is 2. So we're going to have 4 minus 1, which is 3, and 4 minus 2, which is 2. So this right here is the vector.
Now that we have our vector in component form, what we can do is sketch the position vector. The position vector just means that our vector is going to start at the origin. So if I go here at the origin of our graph, I can see that our vector is 3. So that means on the x-axis, we're going to go over here 1, 2, 3, then I can see that our y value is 2, so that means we're going to go up 2. This is what our vector is going to look like, and that's vector v sketched as a position vector.
We've now found the component form, and we've sketched our position vector. Our last step is going to be to calculate the magnitude of this vector. To calculate the magnitude, we can use this equation: m a g n i t u d e = vx + vy where vx is the x-component and vy is the y-component. We have these values that we calculated already, so we're going to have vx which is 3, so we have \(3^2\) plus \(2^2\). \(3^2\) is 9, so we're going to have the square root of 9 plus 4, which is 13. So the magnitude of our vector 'v' is equal to the square root of 13. And this is the magnitude of our vector, as well as our vector sketched as a position vector, and that is the solution to this problem. I hope you found this video helpful. Thanks for watching.