Guys, up until now, all of the wave functions waves that we've seen so far have either started at like these graphs over here, or they started at the amplitudes like these graphs over here. Now occasionally, you're going to run into a situation or run into a problem where you'll have a graph that doesn't start at either one of those special points. The example we’re going to work out down here, we have a wave with an amplitude of 4 meters. It oscillates between 4 and negative 4, but the starting position at and is actually a displacement of 3. It starts here, not at 0 and not at the amplitudes. In this problem, we’re going to have to write a wave function for this wave. I'm going to show you how to write these wave functions by using something called the phase constants, and in textbooks this can be pretty confusing, but I'm going to show you a step-by-step process for how to deal with these kinds of problems. Let's go ahead and check this out here. So remember that we could use either sines or cosines to describe these graphs here, and it really just depended on where our starting locations were. If we started at , we used the sine, and if we started at equals either one of the amplitudes, then we used the cosine graph. So then how do we use these, or how do we write a wave function for something that doesn't start at those sorts of special positions? It turns out that we can actually write any wave function by using either sine or cosine. We can actually describe this graph here by using sines or cosines. All we have to do is we just have to add a constant inside our parentheses here. So we have a sine or a cosine (eg. ). And this here represents or is called a phase constant, and what this basically does is it shifts the graph to the left or to the right from a normal starting point.
So basically, the only difference between these graphs here is where they start. So we can take this graph and we can actually shift it to the left or to the right, and we’d be able to sort of line it up and make it look like these other graphs over here or basically any point in between. And that’s what that phase constant does as it shifts. I’m going to get back to this in just a second here. We're told that the characteristics of the properties of this wave, the wave number is 10 radians per meter. . We have the angular frequency, , and we also have the amplitude which is 4. Here are all our values. We want to write the wave function using a sine function. Remember, we can use because these graphs are sinusoidal, we can use either sines or cosines.
We want to use a sine function here. Right, there's no shift here. But, the graph that's in blue here is actually shifted. Our graph starts at and with a displacement of 3, so we have to write this as where is the phase shift due to the displacement. We want to use because it starts from zero displacement. If you look at the first hill, the first little crest, it is to the left of where the normal sine graph starts. The wave is shifted to the left from its normal starting point. The sine of our phase constant, , equals , and taking inverse sine gives radians, which we then use in our complete wave function:
Now, we're going to repeat this process using a cosine function. A normal cosine graph starts at the amplitude and goes down and up like this. However, our wave starts with a displacement to the right from where a normal cosine starts. We calculate which will be negative in this case because the graph is shifted to the right. Through the same steps, we calculate radians. Our complete wave function using cosine is then:
As we've seen, the same wave can be described using either sine or cosine, which will affect the phase constant calculated. This flexibility in wave function notation allows us to adapt to different initial conditions effectively. Let me know if you have any questions.