Young's Double Slit Experiment definitions Flashcards
Young's Double Slit Experiment definitions
Terms in this set (15)
- DiffractionThe bending of light waves around obstacles, leading to interference patterns.
- InterferenceThe process where two or more light waves superpose to form a resultant wave.
- Constructive InterferenceOccurs when light waves combine to increase amplitude, creating bright fringes.
- Destructive InterferenceOccurs when light waves combine to decrease amplitude, creating dark fringes.
- FringeA band of light or dark formed by interference of light waves.
- WavelengthThe distance between successive peaks of a wave, denoted by lambda (λ).
- Slit SeparationThe distance between two slits in a double slit experiment, denoted by D.
- Indexing NumberA number (m or n) used to identify the order of bright or dark fringes.
- Central Bright FringeThe brightest fringe located at the center of the diffraction pattern.
- Angle of DiffractionThe angle at which light waves emerge from slits, forming interference patterns.
- IsotropicHaving identical properties in all directions, as in light spreading from slits.
- AmplitudeThe height of a wave, determining its brightness in interference patterns.
- TangentA trigonometric function used to calculate distances in diffraction problems.
- NanometerA unit of length equal to one billionth of a meter, used to measure wavelengths.
- TrigonometryA branch of mathematics dealing with angles and distances, used in diffraction analysis.