Specific Heat & Temperature Changes definitions Flashcards
Specific Heat & Temperature Changes definitions
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Terms in this set (15)
- TemperatureA measure of the kinetic energy of molecules in a substance, indicating how hot or cold it feels.
- HeatThe transfer of energy between two materials due to a temperature difference, flowing from hotter to colder.
- Specific HeatA property of a material indicating its thermal inertia, or how much heat is needed to change its temperature.
- Thermal EquilibriumThe state reached when two substances have exchanged heat until they are at the same temperature.
- Kinetic EnergyThe energy possessed by molecules due to their motion, influencing the temperature of a substance.
- PhaseThe state of matter of a substance, such as solid, liquid, or gas, which can change with energy input.
- MCAT EquationThe formula Q = mCΔT, relating heat transfer to mass, specific heat, and temperature change.
- Thermal InertiaThe resistance of a material to changes in temperature when heat is gained or lost.
- JoulesThe unit of energy used to quantify the amount of heat transferred in a process.
- CelsiusA temperature scale where water freezes at 0 degrees and boils at 100 degrees under standard conditions.
- KelvinA temperature scale used in science where 0 Kelvin is absolute zero, the point where molecular motion stops.
- MassThe quantity of matter in an object, influencing the amount of heat needed to change its temperature.
- Delta TThe change in temperature of a substance, used in calculations of heat transfer.
- CopperA metal with a relatively low specific heat, meaning it heats up quickly with energy input.
- WaterA substance with a high specific heat, requiring more energy to change its temperature compared to metals.