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Operations with Significant Figures definitions Flashcards

Operations with Significant Figures definitions
  • Significant Figures

    Digits in a number that contribute to its precision, excluding leading and trailing zeros.
  • Decimal Places

    The number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a number.
  • Rounding

    Adjusting a number to reduce the number of digits, based on specific rules.
  • Addition

    A mathematical operation where numbers are combined to form a sum.
  • Subtraction

    A mathematical operation where a number is taken away from another.
  • Multiplication

    A mathematical operation where a number is added to itself a specified number of times.
  • Division

    A mathematical operation where a number is split into equal parts.
  • Order of Operations

    A set of rules defining the sequence in which operations are performed in calculations.
  • Calculator

    A device or software used to perform mathematical calculations.
  • Precision

    The degree to which repeated measurements under unchanged conditions show the same results.
  • Leading Zeros

    Zeros that precede all non-zero digits in a number, not considered significant.
  • Trailing Zeros

    Zeros at the end of a number, which may or may not be significant depending on the context.

    A mnemonic for the order of operations: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction.
  • Scientific Context

    The application of scientific methods and principles in calculations and measurements.
  • Engineering Context

    The application of engineering principles and practices in calculations and measurements.