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Power in AC Circuits definitions Flashcards

Power in AC Circuits definitions
  • AC Circuit

    An electrical circuit powered by alternating current, where the flow of electric charge periodically reverses direction.
  • Resistor

    A component that dissipates energy in the form of heat, having a non-zero average power in AC circuits.
  • Capacitor

    A device that stores electric potential energy by accumulating charge, with no average power dissipation.
  • Inductor

    A component that stores magnetic potential energy by maintaining current, with no average power dissipation.
  • Maximum Power

    The peak power in a resistor, calculated as the product of maximum voltage and maximum current.
  • Average Power

    The mean power over time in an AC circuit, calculated using RMS values of voltage and current.
  • RMS Voltage

    The root mean square value of voltage, used to calculate average power in AC circuits.
  • RMS Current

    The root mean square value of current, used to calculate average power in AC circuits.
  • Power Peaks

    The points of maximum power in a waveform, symmetric in AC circuits, leading to average power being half of maximum.
  • Power Function

    A representation of power over time, showing that power in resistors remains positive in AC circuits.
  • Voltage

    The electric potential difference, which in AC circuits, alternates and is used in RMS calculations.
  • Current

    The flow of electric charge, alternating in AC circuits, with RMS values used for power calculations.
  • Ohm

    The unit of electrical resistance, used to calculate current and power in circuits.
  • Energy Storage

    The process by which capacitors and inductors retain energy without dissipating it as power.
  • Symmetric Peaks

    The equal and opposite power peaks in AC circuits, resulting in an average power of half the maximum.