Intro to Current definitions Flashcards
Intro to Current definitions
Terms in this set (12)
- ElectrodynamicsStudy of electric charges in motion, as opposed to electrostatics where charges are stationary.
- CurrentFlow of electric charge, typically measured in amperes, representing charge passing through a point per unit time.
- Conventional CurrentDirection of current flow assumed to be positive charges, opposite to the actual electron flow.
- Potential DifferenceVoltage between two points that motivates charge movement, also known as electromotive force.
- Electromotive ForceAnother term for potential difference, not an actual force, but drives electron movement.
- AmperesUnit of electric current, equivalent to one coulomb of charge passing a point per second.
- CapacitorDevice that stores electrical energy in an electric field, used in the example to calculate current.
- Nano CoulombsUnit of electric charge, equal to 10^-9 coulombs, used in the example calculation.
- MilliampOne thousandth of an ampere, used to measure small currents in the example.
- Elementary ChargeFundamental charge unit, approximately 1.6 x 10^-19 coulombs, used to calculate electron numbers.
- Cross-sectional AreaArea through which charge flows, used to define current as charge per time.
- Electron FlowActual movement of electrons, opposite to the direction of conventional current.