Intro To Dielectrics definitions Flashcards
Intro To Dielectrics definitions
Terms in this set (15)
- DielectricAn insulating material that increases a capacitor's capacitance by reducing the electric field.
- CapacitanceThe ability of a capacitor to store charge, increased by inserting a dielectric.
- Dielectric ConstantA dimensionless number greater than 1 that quantifies a dielectric's effect on capacitance.
- Electric FieldA field weakened by a dielectric, reducing the force between charges in a capacitor.
- VoltageThe potential difference across a capacitor, which decreases with a dielectric if the battery is disconnected.
- ChargeThe quantity of electricity held by a capacitor, which increases with a dielectric if the battery is connected.
- Potential EnergyEnergy stored in a capacitor, affected by dielectric insertion and battery connection status.
- Energy DensityEnergy per unit volume in a capacitor, which decreases with a dielectric due to a weakened electric field.
- BatteryA device that maintains constant voltage in a circuit, affecting charge when a dielectric is inserted.
- Constant VoltageA condition where voltage remains unchanged, leading to increased charge with dielectric insertion.
- Constant ChargeA condition where charge remains unchanged, leading to decreased voltage with dielectric insertion.
- FaradThe unit of capacitance, representing the capacity to store one coulomb per volt.
- CoulombThe unit of electric charge, representing the quantity of electricity transported in one second by a current of one ampere.
- CircuitA closed path through which electric current flows, affected by dielectric insertion.
- KappaThe Greek letter representing the dielectric constant, indicating the factor by which capacitance increases.