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Intro to Connected Wheels definitions Flashcards

Intro to Connected Wheels definitions
  • Tangential Velocity

    The linear speed at the edge of a rotating object, equal for connected wheels via a chain or belt.
  • Angular Velocity

    The rate of rotation of an object, differing for wheels of different radii when connected.
  • Fixed Axis

    A point around which a wheel rotates without moving sideways, like a bolted gear.
  • Free Axis

    Allows a wheel to move as it rotates, typical in bicycles where wheels are not fixed.
  • Radius

    The distance from the center to the edge of a wheel, affecting its angular speed.
  • Rotational Kinematics

    The study of motion of rotating objects, often involving connected wheels.
  • Chain

    A connector that ensures equal tangential velocity between two rotating wheels.
  • Belt

    A flexible loop that transmits motion and force between rotating wheels.
  • Frequency

    The number of rotations per unit time, interchangeable with angular velocity in equations.
  • Period

    The time taken for one complete rotation, inversely related to frequency.
  • RPM

    Revolutions per minute, a measure of rotational speed, convertible to angular velocity.
  • Gears

    Toothed wheels that interlock to transmit motion, often used in connected wheel problems.
  • Pulleys

    Wheels on an axle designed to support movement and change direction of a belt or chain.
  • Inverse Relationship

    A situation where an increase in one quantity results in a decrease in another, such as radius and angular speed.
  • Equation Variations

    Different forms of the main equation using frequency, period, and RPM to solve rotational problems.