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Beats definitions Flashcards

Beats definitions
  • Beats

    Oscillation in amplitude from interference of two sound waves with similar frequencies.
  • Frequency

    Number of cycles per second in a wave, measured in Hertz (Hz).
  • Amplitude

    Maximum displacement of a wave from its rest position, affecting loudness.
  • Constructive Interference

    When two waves align to increase amplitude, creating a larger wave.
  • Destructive Interference

    When two waves cancel each other out, reducing amplitude to zero.
  • Beat Frequency

    Absolute difference between frequencies of two interfering sound waves.
  • Pitch

    Perceived frequency of a sound, calculated as the average of two interfering waves.
  • Wavelength

    Distance between consecutive crests of a wave, affecting frequency.
  • Superposition

    Combination of two overlapping waves resulting in a new wave pattern.
  • Sound Wave

    Longitudinal wave that travels through a medium, carrying sound.
  • Transverse Wave

    Wave with oscillations perpendicular to the direction of energy transfer.
  • Cycle

    Complete sequence of a wave's oscillation from crest to crest.
  • Hertz

    Unit of frequency, representing one cycle per second.
  • Speed of Sound

    Rate at which sound waves travel through a medium, typically 343 m/s in air.
  • Loudness

    Perceived intensity of sound, varying with amplitude and beat frequency.