(III) (a) In reference frame S, a particle has momentum p→ = pₓî along the positive x axis. Show that in frame S’, which moves with speed v as in Fig. 36–12, the momentum has components
p'ₓ = pₓ - (vE/c²) / √(1 - v²/c²)
p'ᵧ = pᵧ
p'_𝓏 = p_𝓏
E' = E - pₓv / √(1 - v²/c²)
(These transformation equations hold, actually, for any direction of p→ , as long as the motion of S' is along the x axis.) (b) Show that pₓ , pᵧ, p_𝓏, E/c transform according to the Lorentz transformation in the same way as x, y, z, ct.