04:11Spring gun momentum problem: spring with known compression launches a ball to accelerate a cart.Zak's Lab339views
06:48Physics momentum explosion with three objects: find the speeds given directions and total energy.Zak's Lab513views
04:041D perfectly inelastic collision with a slide to a stop. Conservation of momentum then work-energy.Zak's Lab382views
05:48Momentum and energy explosion problem: find the percent energy in each mass explosion problem.Zak's Lab368views
Multiple ChoiceA 300g bullet is fired horizontally into a 10-kg wooden block initially at rest on a horizontal surface. The coefficient of kinetic friction between block and surface is 0.6. The bullet remains embedded in the block, which then slides 35 m along the surface before stopping. What was the initial speed of the bullet?1004views23rank5comments
Textbook QuestionFred (mass 60 kg) is running with the football at a speed of 6.0 m/s when he is met head-on by Brutus (mass 120 kg), who is moving at 4.0 m/s. Brutus grabs Fred in a tight grip, and they fall to the ground. Which way do they slide, and how far? The coefficient of kinetic friction between football uniforms and Astroturf is 0.30.1151views
Textbook QuestionIn a physics lab, a cube slides down a frictionless incline as shown in Fig. 9–57 and elastically strikes another cube at the bottom that is only one-half its mass. If the incline is 45 cm high and the table is 95 cm off the floor, where does each cube land? [Hint: Both leave the incline moving horizontally.]<IMAGE>179views
Textbook QuestionAstronomers estimate that a 2.0-km-diameter asteroid collides with the Earth once every million years. The collision could pose a threat to life on Earth. (a) Assume a spherical asteroid has a mass of 3200 kg for each cubic meter of volume and moves toward the Earth at 15 km/s. How much destructive energy could be released when it embeds itself in the Earth?318views
Textbook QuestionA “doomsday” asteroid with a mass of 2.0 x 10¹⁰ kg is hurtling through space. Unless the asteroid’s speed is changed by about 0.20cm/s , it will collide with Earth and cause tremendous damage. Researchers suggest that a small “space tug” sent to the asteroid’s surface could exert a gentle constant force of 2.5 N. For how long must this force act?222views
Textbook Question(II) A 0.145-kg baseball pitched horizontally at 35.0 m/s strikes a bat and pops straight up to a height of 31.5 m. If the contact time between bat and ball is 2.5 ms, calculate the average force between the ball and bat during contact.283views
Textbook QuestionA gun fires a bullet vertically into a 1.40-kg block of wood at rest on a thin horizontal sheet, Fig. 9–54. If the bullet has a mass of 15.0 g and a speed of 230 m/s, how high will the block rise into the air after the bullet becomes embedded in it?<IMAGE>171views
Textbook QuestionYou are the design engineer in charge of the crashworthiness of new automobile models. Cars are tested by smashing them into fixed, massive barriers at 45 km/h. A new model of mass 1500 kg takes 0.15 s from the time of impact until it is brought to rest.(a) Calculate the average force exerted on the car by the barrier.210views
Textbook QuestionYou are the design engineer in charge of the crashworthiness of new automobile models. Cars are tested by smashing them into fixed, massive barriers at 45 km/h. A new model of mass 1500 kg takes 0.15 s from the time of impact until it is brought to rest.(b) Calculate the average deceleration of the car in g’s.203views
Textbook QuestionTwo balls, of masses mₐ = 42 g and m₈ = 96 g, are suspended as shown in Fig. 9–55. The lighter ball is pulled away to a 66° angle with the vertical and released.(a) What is the velocity of the lighter ball before impact?<IMAGE>138views
Textbook Questionb. What is the speed of a 10g bullet that, when fired into a 10kg stationary wood block,causes the block to slide 5.0 cm across a wood table? <VIDEO>145views