06:39Physics - Mechanics: Fluid Statics: What is Buoyance Force? (1 of 9) Fraction SubmergedMichel van Biezen693views
15:19Archimedes Principle, Buoyant Force, Basic Introduction - Buoyancy & Density - Fluid StaticsThe Organic Chemistry Tutor790views
Multiple ChoiceWhen an object of unknown mass and volume is fully immersed in large oil (800 kg/m3 ) container and released from rest, it stays at rest. Calculate the density of this object.683views9rank1comments
Multiple ChoiceA block floats with 40% of its volume above water. When you place it on an unknown liquid, it floats with 30% of its volume above. What is the density of the unknown liquid?706views8rank
Multiple ChoiceAn 8,000 cm3 block of wood is fully immersed in a deep water tank, then tied to the bottom. When the block is released and reaches equilibrium, you measure the tension on the string to be 12 N. What is the density of the wood?612views4rank1comments
Multiple ChoiceYou want to build a large storage container, with outer walls and an open top, as shown, so that you can load things into it, while it floats on fresh water, without any water getting inside. If the bottom face of the container measures 3.0 m by 8.0 m, how high should the side walls be, such that the combined mass of container and inside load is 100,000 kg?511views7rank
Multiple ChoiceSuppose a certain type of wood has a density of 650 kg/m3. If a block of wood 5.0cm long, 5.0cm wide, and 4.0cm high were placed into a pool of water, how high would be the portion of the block above water?351views
Textbook QuestionA rock has mass 1.80 kg. When the rock is suspended from the lower end of a string and totally immersed in water, the tension in the string is 12.8 N. What is the smallest density of a liquid in which the rock will float?1288views
Textbook QuestionA cubical block of wood, 10.0 cm on a side, floats at the interface between oil and water with its lower surface 1.50 cm below the interface (Fig. E12.33). The density of the oil is 790 kg/m^3. (a) What is the gauge pressure at the upper face of the block? (b) What is the gauge pressure at the lower face of the block? (c) What are the mass and density of the block?568views
Textbook QuestionA hollow plastic sphere is held below the surface of a freshwater lake by a cord anchored to the bottom of the lake. The sphere has a volume of 0.650 m^3 and the tension in the cord is 1120 N. (c) The cord breaks and the sphere rises to the surface. When the sphere comes to rest, what fraction of its volume will be submerged?484views
Textbook QuestionA slab of ice floats on a freshwater lake. What minimum volume must the slab have for a 65.0-kg woman to be able to stand on it without getting her feet wet?1515views1rank
Textbook QuestionAn ore sample weighs 17.50 N in air. When the sample is suspended by a light cord and totally immersed in water, the tension in the cord is 11.20 N. Find the total volume and the density of the sample.1732views
Textbook QuestionA 950-kg cylindrical can buoy floats vertically in sea-water. The diameter of the buoy is 0.900 m. Calculate the additional distance the buoy will sink when an 80.0-kg man stands on top of it.1339views1rank
Textbook QuestionA hollow plastic sphere is held below the surface of a freshwater lake by a cord anchored to the bottom of the lake. The sphere has a volume of 0.650 m^3 and the tension in the cord is 1120 N. (a) Calculate the buoyant force exerted by the water on the sphere. (b) (b) What is the mass of the sphere?807views
Textbook QuestionA cubical block of wood, 10.0 cm on a side, floats at the interface between oil and water with its lower surface 1.50 cm below the interface (Fig. E12.33). The density of the oil is 790 kg/m^3. (a) What is the gauge pressure at the upper face of the block? (b) What is the gauge pressure at the lower face of the block? (c) What are the mass and density of the block?1986views
Textbook QuestionOne day when you come into physics lab you find several plastic hemispheres floating like boats in a tank of fresh water. Each lab group is challenged to determine the heaviest rock that can be placed in the bottom of a plastic boat without sinking it. You get one try. Sinking the boat gets you no points, and the maximum number of points goes to the group that can place the heaviest rock without sinking. You begin by measuring one of the hemispheres, finding that it has a mass of 21 g and a diameter of 8.0 cm. What is the mass of the heaviest rock that, in perfectly still water, won't sink the plastic boat?563views
Textbook QuestionThe tank shown in FIGURE CP14.73 is completely filled with a liquid of density p. The right face is not permanently attached to the tank but, instead, is held against a rubber seal by the tension in a spring. To prevent leakage, the spring must both pull with sufficient strength and prevent a torque from pushing the bottom of the right face out. (a) What minimum spring tension is needed? 723views
Textbook QuestionThe average density of the body of a fish is 1080 kg/m³ . To keep from sinking, a fish increases its volume by inflating an internal air bladder, known as a swim bladder, with air. By what percent must the fish increase its volume to be neutrally buoyant in fresh water? The density of air at 20°C is 119 kg/m³.953views
Textbook QuestionIn FIGURE CP14.74, a cone of density p₀ and total height l floats in a liquid of density pբ . The height of the cone above the liquid is h. What is the ratio h/l of the exposed height to the total height? 494views
Textbook QuestionStyrofoam has a density of 150 kg/m³ . What is the maximum mass that can hang without sinking from a 50-cm-diameter Styrofoam sphere in water? Assume the volume of the mass is negligible compared to that of the sphere.1262views
Textbook QuestionThe bottom of a steel 'boat' is a 5.0 m x 10 m x 2.0 cm piece of steel (pₛₜₑₑₗ = 7900 kg/m³) . The sides are made of 0.50-cm-thick steel. What minimum height must the sides have for this boat to float in perfectly calm water?502views
Textbook QuestionA 6.00-cm-diameter sphere with a mass of 89.3 g is neutrally buoyant in a liquid. Identify the liquid.437views
Textbook QuestionThe tank shown in FIGURE CP14.73 is completely filled with a liquid of density p. The right face is not permanently attached to the tank but, instead, is held against a rubber seal by the tension in a spring. To prevent leakage, the spring must both pull with sufficient strength and prevent a torque from pushing the bottom of the right face out. (b) If the spring has the minimum tension, at what height d from the bottom must it be attached?311views
Textbook Question(II) A spherical balloon has a radius of 7.15 m and is filled with helium. How large a cargo can it lift, assuming that the skin and structure of the balloon have a mass of 890 kg? Neglect the buoyant force on the cargo volume itself.324views
Textbook Question(II) The specific gravity of ice is 0.917, whereas that of seawater is 1.025. What percent of an iceberg is above the surface of the water?333views
Textbook Question(II) A crane lifts the 21,000-kg steel hull of a sunken ship out of the water. Determine(b) the tension when the hull is completely out of the water.182views
Textbook Question(II) A crane lifts the 21,000-kg steel hull of a sunken ship out of the water. Determine(a) the tension in the crane’s cable when the hull is fully submerged in the water , and164views
Textbook Question(III) A 3.75-kg block of wood (SG = 0.50) floats on water. What minimum mass of lead, hung from the wood by a string, will cause the block to sink?269views
Textbook QuestionA ship, carrying fresh water to a desert island in the Caribbean, has a horizontal cross-sectional area of 2240 m² at the waterline. When unloaded, the ship rises 8.55 m higher in the sea. How much water (m³) was delivered?178views
Textbook QuestionA raft is made of 12 logs lashed together. Each is 45 cm in diameter and has a length of 6.5 m. How many people can the raft hold before they start getting their feet wet, assuming the average person has a mass of 68 kg? Do not neglect the weight of the logs. Assume the specific gravity of wood is 0.60.186views
Textbook Question(II) A cube of side length 10.0 cm and made of unknown material floats at the surface between water and oil. The oil has a density of 810 kg/m³ . If the cube floats so that it is 72% in the water and 28% in the oil, what is the mass of the cube and what is the buoyant force on the cube?236views
Textbook Question(II) Archimedes’ principle can be used not only to determine the specific gravity of a solid using a known liquid (Example 13–10). The reverse can be done as well.(a) As an example, a 3.80-kg aluminum ball has an apparent mass of 2.10 kg when submerged in a particular liquid: calculate the density of the liquid.(b) Determine a formula for finding the density of a liquid using this procedure.166views
Textbook Question(b) To ensure that a ship is in stable equilibrium, would it be better if its center of buoyancy was above, below, or at the same point as its center of gravity? Explain.<IMAGE>163views
Textbook QuestionA simple model (Fig. 13–62) considers a continent as a block ( density ≈ 2800 kg/m³) floating in the mantle rock around it ( density ≈ 3300 kg/m³) . Assuming the continent is 35 km thick (the average thickness of the Earth’s continental crust), estimate the height of the continent above the surrounding mantle rock.<IMAGE>292views
Textbook QuestionA copper (Cu) weight is placed on top of a 0.40-kg block of wood (density = 0.60 x 10³ kg/m³) floating in water, as shown in Fig. 13–60. What is the mass of the copper if the top of the wood block is exactly at the water’s surface?<IMAGE>182views
Textbook Question(II) A scuba tank, when fully submerged, displaces 15.7 L of seawater. The tank itself has a mass of 14.0 kg and, when “full,” contains 3.00 kg of air. Assuming only its weight and the buoyant force act on the tank, determine the net force (magnitude and direction) on the fully submerged tank at the beginning of a dive (when it is full of air) and at the end of a dive (when it no longer contains any air).238views
Textbook QuestionA tub of water rests on a scale as shown in Fig. 13–61. The weight of the tub plus water is 100 N. A 50-N concrete brick is tied by a cord to a fixed arm and lowered into the water but does not touch the bottom of the tub. What does the scale read now? [Hint: Draw two free-body diagrams, one for the brick and a second one for the tub + water + brick.]<IMAGE>161views
Textbook Question(III) A common effect of surface tension is the ability of a liquid to rise up a narrow tube due to capillary action. Show that for a narrow tube of radius r placed in a liquid of density ρ and surface tension γ , the liquid in the tube will reach a height h = 2γ/ρgr above the level of the liquid outside the tube, where g is the gravitational acceleration. Assume that the liquid “wets” the tube and that the liquid surface is vertical at the contact with the inside of the tube.210views
Textbook Question"(II) Estimate the diameter of a steel needle that can just barely remain on top of water due to surface tension. (See Figs. 13–38 and 13–39a, and Table 13–1.)<IMAGE>"189views
Textbook Question(II) Calculate the true mass (in vacuum) of an aluminum sphere whose apparent mass is 4.0000 kg when weighed in air.139views
Textbook Question(II) How many helium-filled balloons would it take to lift a person? Assume the person has a mass of 72 kg and that each helium-filled balloon is spherical with a diameter of 36 cm.172views
Textbook Question(II) A 0.48-kg piece of wood floats in water but is found to sink in alcohol (SG = 0.79) , in which it has an apparent mass of 0.047 kg. What is the SG of the wood?149views