09:47Standing wave harmonics on guitar strings (and pianos, banjos, and harps, I guess) | Doc PhysicsDoc Schuster459views1rank
Multiple ChoiceIn the following figure, what is the harmonic number of the standing wave? The wavelength of the standing wave? If the frequency of the standing wave is 30 Hz, what is the speed of the waves producing the standing wave?1116views1rank
Multiple ChoiceAn unknown mass hangs on the end of a 2 m rope anchored to the ceiling when a strong wind causes the rope to vibrate and hum at its fundamental frequency of 100 Hz. If the rope has a mass of 0.15 kg, what is the unknown mass?503views2rank3comments
Multiple ChoiceThe figure shows a standing wave on a string. What are the mode number and wavelength for this standing wave? 801views
Multiple ChoiceA standing wave on a string in the m=3 mode has a frequency of 930Hz. What is the frequency of the m=2 standing wave?788views
Multiple ChoiceBy whipping a string up and down, you determine the fundamental frequency to be 4 Hz. If you attached the string to a motorized oscillator and increased the frequency to 28 Hz, how many loops would this standing wave have?334views5rank
Multiple ChoiceOne of the harmonic frequencies for a particular string under tension is 325 Hz. The next higher harmonic frequency is 390 Hz. What harmonic frequency is next higher after the harmonic frequency 195 Hz? 416views10rank
Multiple ChoiceThe figure below shows a standing wave on a 2.0-m-long string that has been fixed at both ends and tightened until the wave speed is 40 m/s. What is the frequency of this wave?825views13rank
Multiple ChoiceA 3m-long rope is stretched between two supports with a tension that makes the speed of transverse waves 60 m/s. What are the wavelength and frequency of the second overtone?320views8rank
Textbook QuestionA piano tuner stretches a steel piano wire with a tension of 800 N. The steel wire is 0.400 m long and has a mass of 3.00 g. (a) What is the frequency of its fundamental mode of vibration?751views
Textbook QuestionA wire with mass 40.0 g is stretched so that its ends are tied down at points 80.0 cm apart. The wire vibrates in its fundamental mode with frequency 60.0 Hz and with an amplitude at the antinodes of 0.300 cm. (a) What is the speed of propagation of transverse waves in the wire?636views
Textbook QuestionA 1.50-m-long rope is stretched between two supports with a tension that makes the speed of transverse waves 62.0 m/s.What are the wavelength and frequency of (c) the fourth harmonic?489views
Textbook QuestionA 1.50-m-long rope is stretched between two supports with a tension that makes the speed of transverse waves 62.0 m/s.What are the wavelength and frequency of (b) the second overtone?595views
Textbook QuestionA 1.50-m-long rope is stretched between two supports with a tension that makes the speed of transverse waves 62.0 m/s.What are the wavelength and frequency of (a) the fundamental?865views
Textbook QuestionBIO Tendons are, essentially, elastic cords stretched between two fixed ends. As such, they can support standing waves. A woman has a 20-cm-long Achilles tendon—connecting the heel to a muscle in the calf—with a cross-section area of 90 mm^2 . The density of tendon tissue is 1100 kg/m^3 . For a reasonable tension of 500 N, what will be the fundamental frequency of her Achilles tendon?363views
Textbook QuestionWhen mass M is tied to the bottom end of a long, thin wire suspended from the ceiling, the wire's second-harmonic frequency is 200 Hz. Adding an additional 1.0 kg to the hanging mass increases the second-harmonic frequency to 245 Hz. What is M?395views
Textbook QuestionThe two highest-pitch strings on a violin are tuned to 440 Hz (the A string) and 659 Hz (the E string). What is the ratio of the mass of the A string to that of the E string? Violin strings are all the same length and under essentially the same tension.861views
Textbook QuestionStanding waves on a 1.0-m-long string that is fixed at both ends are seen at successive frequencies of 36 Hz and 48 Hz. b. Draw the standing-wave pattern when the string oscillates at 48 Hz.920views
Textbook Questiona. What are the three longest wavelengths for standing waves on a 60 cm long string that is fixed at both ends?579views
Textbook QuestionFIGURE EX17.6 shows a standing wave oscillating at 100 Hz on a string. What is the wave speed? 796views
Textbook QuestionA string under tension has a fundamental frequency of 220 Hz. What is the fundamental frequency if the tension is doubled?1097views
Textbook QuestionINT One end of a 75-cm-long, 2.5 g guitar string is attached to a spring. The other end is pulled, which stretches the spring. The guitar string's second harmonic occurs at 550 Hz when the spring has been stretched by 5.0 cm. What is the value of the spring constant?761views
Textbook QuestionA violinist places her finger so that the vibrating section of a 1.0 g/m string has a length of 30 cm, then she draws her bow across it. A listener nearby in a 20°C room hears a note with a wavelength of 40 cm. What is the tension in the string?365views
Textbook QuestionFIGURE EX17.7 shows a standing wave on a string that is oscillating at 100 Hz. a. How many antinodes will there be if the frequency is increased to 200 Hz?415views
Textbook Question(I) The fundamental frequency of a violin string is 441 Hz when unfingered. What is its fundamental frequency if it is fingered one-third of the way down from the end? (That is, only two-thirds of the string vibrates as a standing wave.)217views
Textbook Question(II) The speed of waves on a string is 96 m/s. If the frequency of standing waves is 435 Hz, how far apart are two adjacent nodes?177views
Textbook Question(II) A guitar string is 91 cm long and has a mass of 3.2 g. The vibrating portion of the string from the bridge to the support post is ℓ = 64cm and the string is under a tension of 520 N. What are the frequencies of the fundamental and first two overtones?201views
Textbook Question(II) The displacement of a standing wave on a string is given by D = 2.4 sin ( 0.60x ) cos (42t) , where x and D are in centimeters and t is in seconds. (a) What is the distance (cm) between nodes?155views
Textbook Question(II) The displacement of a standing wave on a string is given by D = 2.4 sin ( 0.60x ) cos (42t) , where x and D are in centimeters and t is in seconds. (b) Give the amplitude, frequency, and speed of each of the component waves.165views
Textbook Question(II) A particular violin string plays at a frequency of 294 Hz. If the tension is increased 22%, what will the new frequency be?147views
Textbook Question(II) When you slosh the water back and forth in a tub at just the right frequency, the water alternately rises and falls at each end, remaining relatively calm at the center. Suppose the frequency to produce such a standing wave in a 45-cm-wide tub is 0.85 Hz. What is the speed of the water wave?131views
Textbook QuestionA guitar string is supposed to vibrate at 247 Hz, but is measured to actually vibrate at 262 Hz. By what percentage should the tension in the string be changed to get the frequency to the correct value?162views
Textbook Question(I) A particular string resonates in four loops at a frequency of 320 Hz. Name at least three other frequencies at which it will resonate. What is each called?152views
Textbook QuestionTwo strings on a musical instrument are tuned to play at 392 Hz (G) and 494 Hz (B).(a) What are the frequencies of the first two overtones for each string?140views
Textbook QuestionTwo strings on a musical instrument are tuned to play at 392 Hz (G) and 494 Hz (B).(c) If the strings, instead, have the same mass per unit length and are under the same tension, what is the ratio of their lengths (ℓ_G / ℓ_B)?153views
Textbook Question(II) One end of a horizontal string is attached to a small-amplitude mechanical 60.0-Hz oscillator. The string’s mass per unit length is 3.9 x 10⁻ ⁴ kg/m . The string passes over a pulley, a distance ℓ = 1.50 m away, and weights are hung from this end, Fig. 15–38. What mass m must be hung from this end of the string to produce (c) five loops of a standing wave? Assume the string at the oscillator is a node, which is nearly true.<IMAGE>216views
Textbook QuestionA transverse wave pulse travels to the right along a string with a speed v = 2.4 m/s . At t = 0 the shape of the pulse is given by the functionD = 4.0m³ / (x² + 2.0m²) ,where D and x are in meters.(b) Determine a formula for the wave pulse at any time t assuming there are no frictional losses.186views
Textbook QuestionII) The displacement of a transverse wave traveling on a string is represented by D₁ = 4.2 sin ( 0.84 x - 47t + 2.1) , where D₁ and x are in cm and t in s. (a) Find an equation that represents a wave which, when traveling in the opposite direction, will produce a standing wave when added to this one.192views
Textbook QuestionOne string of a certain musical instrument is 75.0 cm long and has a mass of 8.75 g. It is being played in a room where the speed of sound is 344 m/s. (a) To what tension must you adjust the string so that, when vibrating in its second overtone, it produces sound of wavelength 0.765 m? (Assume that the break-ing stress of the wire is very large and isn't exceeded.) (b) What frequency sound does this string produce in its fundamental mode of vibration?1586views
Textbook QuestionThe lowest note on a grand piano has a frequency of 27.5 Hz. The entire string is 2.00 m long and has a mass of 400 g. The vibrating section of the string is 1.90 m long. What tension is needed to tune this string properly?1801views
Textbook QuestionPiano tuners tune pianos by listening to the beats between the harmonics of two different strings. When properly tuned, the note A should have a frequency of 440 Hz and the note E should be at 659 Hz. a.What is the frequency difference between the third harmonic of the A and the second harmonic of the E?313views
Textbook QuestionA 65-cm guitar string is fixed at both ends. In the frequency range between 1.0 and 2.0 kHz, the string is found to resonate only at frequencies 1.2, 1.5, and 1.8 kHz. What is the speed of traveling waves on this string?119views