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Physics 2 Midterm - Part 1 of 3

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20. Heat and Temperature / Volume Thermal Expansion / Problem 3

The distance between the surface of the olive oil and the bottom of the cork in an olive oil bottle is called the "headspace height," and is typically 2.0 cm for a 1.0-liter bottle filled at 25.0°C. Olive oil bottles are designed with a small air space left in the bottle's cylindrically shaped neck (inner diameter 25.0 mm) to accommodate for the oil's significant thermal expansion. Due to its properties, olive oil's coefficient of volume expansion is approximately 700×10−6/C°; in comparison, the thermal expansion of glass can be neglected. Estimate the headspace height if the bottle is kept at 5.0°C.

Diagram of an olive oil bottle showing headspace height and cork, illustrating thermal expansion concepts.

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