Center of Mass & Simple Balance
15. Rotational Equilibrium / Center of Mass & Simple Balance / Problem 4
A new skyscraper is being constructed in the city center. The tower is planned to rise to a height of 300 m with a base measuring 60 m × 80 m. The total mass of the building is estimated to be around 2.5×107 kg, resulting in a weight of approximately 2.5×108 N. Given a forecasted wind speed of 250 km/h, which is expected to exert a force of 1100 N/m² over the 80-meter-wide face, calculate the torque around the potential pivot point located at the rear edge of the building. Assume the total force of the wind acts at the midpoint of the building's face and that the building lacks anchoring into bedrock. The force Fg is the force exerted by the ground when the skyscraper just begins to tip.

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