In this video we're going to take a look at the concept of the electron configuration. Now, electron configurations represent the arrangement of electrons within shells and orbitals. In order to connect the periodic table to the electron configuration of elements and ions, we need to have a redesign of the periodic table itself. We will imagine the periodic table being composed of different blocks. The first two columns, which are these blue columns here, these blue boxes, which also include this one here, represent our s block. Our purple boxes here represent our d block. Our yellow ones here represent our p block. And finally, our 2 rows here represent our f block. We can further label this periodic table, stating that these first two boxes represent our 1s orbitals. In the 2nd row, this represents 2s, and in the 3rd row, this is 3s, then 4s, 5s, 6s, and 7s. Moving to the d block, after 4s, we go down to 3d, 4d, 5d, and then 6d. In the p block, being in the 2nd row, this represents 2p, 3p, 4p all the way down to 7p. In our f block, the first row is 4f and the bottom row is 5f.
Each letter s, d, p, and f can hold a maximum number of electrons. S can hold up to 2 electrons, which explains why our s block is composed of 2 slots per row. D can hold up to 10 electrons, and P can hold up to 6 electrons. Meanwhile, f can hold up to 14 electrons per row. Understanding how the periodic table itself is arranged within s, d, p, and f blocks, and how each of those blocks has different orbitals like 1s, 2p, 4f, etc., is the key to understanding how to determine the electron configuration of any element or ion.
All you have to do is remember, just reimagine the periodic table in this order and then apply it. Now that we've seen this periodic table, we can use it to answer this example question. We're asked to find and write the full ground state electron configuration for the atomic number of silicon. Remember, your atomic number is unique to an element; it gives us the number of protons for that element. Silicon has already been labeled on the periodic table. So here goes silicon: To count to silicon, we go 1s and there are 2 elements that are 1s, so s12, then s22, p26, next is s32. And then we have to land on silicon, which is in the 3p row and it's in slot p32. So, this would be the full ground state electron configuration for silicon: s12, s22, p26, s32, p32. As long as you can remember the order of the periodic table, just apply it to find the electron configuration of any element or ion that's given to you.
Now that you've seen how to do a simple basic ground state electron configuration of an element, click on to the next video where we talk about the condensed electron configuration of elements.