So we've separated our chart here in terms of monodentate ligands and bidentate ligands. Let's first take a look at our monodentate ligands. Now, what makes them a monodentate ligand is that in each case, there's only one element that's able to donate a lone pair. So we have our ligands. We have names for those ligands. Now the naming of ligands and the naming of complex ions is really just reserved for general chemistry. Within organic chemistry, we're not going to have to worry about naming complex transition metals, how they help to make certain geometries, and later on the types of reactions that are possible with these complex ion structures. So don't worry about naming. And then we'll see that certain ligands have abbreviations. And once we've covered those three topics, we'll take a look and see is the ligand I'm looking at an x ligand or an l ligand or maybe even a combination of both. So if we take a look, what makes the monodentate ligands is that in each case, there's only one element that will donate a lone pair.
In water, we have just the oxygen being able to donate a lone pair. Here we have ammonia and its name would be amine or amino. Again, don't worry about naming too much. We have just the nitrogen. Here we have phosphorus with its one lone pair, . Now here, that could represent a benzene ring. And in that case, it would be a triaryl phosphino and it would be written like , where the stands for our benzene ring. It could also stand in for an alkyl group like maybe a methyl. So you could have a phosphorus connected to three methyl groups. Next, we have carbon monoxide which is carbonyl. Here it's only the carbon that will donate its lone pair and act as the Lewis base. Acetonitrile, here it's only the nitrogen. For ethylene, what's being donated is a lone pair and it's coming from our pi bond here. Benzene has three pi bonds so any one of the three could donate a lone pair. is our halogen so we have fluoride, chloride, bromide, or iodide. is our hydride ion. Then we have a cyanide molecule or cyanide ion. So here it's just the carbon that can donate a lone pair. Hydroxide is just the oxygen. Here we have cyclopentadienyl. So technically in this one, we can get a lone pair from this lone pair here or from one of these pi bonds. But it's only one at a time. That's what makes it monodentate. We're only donating one lone pair at a time. And then here we have an allyl group. So here it is this carbon with its lone pair that is donating to the transition metal cation.
Now, some of these have abbreviations. So our carbon monoxide, termed carbonyl, its abbreviation is just . Here we have Acetonitrile. Its name would be Acetonitrile. It's written as , where represents methyl. Benzene, its abbreviation is . Some of these abbreviations you should be quite familiar with. Halogens are just . Cyanide ion is . Cyclopentadienyl is . The others don't have abbreviations.
Now what type of ligands are they? Well, remember, ligands are neutral. ligands are negatively charged. So here, water has no charge, so it's an ligand. Ammonia is an ligand. is an ligand. Here, is also an ligand. ligand, ligand. Now when it comes to benzene, we have three pi bonds. Any one of the three pi bonds can donate a lone pair, one at a time. But the fact that we have three pi bonds that any of them could donate, we're gonna say that this is an ligand. Okay? That means it has three pi bonds that can donate a lone pair. Here we have a halogen. We finally see a negative charge so these would be ligands. They all have negative charges. Now, for our cyclopentadienyl, it has a negative charge because of the lone pair on this carbon, so that's plus the lone pairs here. Either one could be donated. So technically, this one would be an ligand. This one, we could have this lone pair being donated to make a pi bond, or we could have this pi bond here being donated. So this would be an ligand. Remember, an ligand is neutral and ligand is negative, and these last two are a combination of both.
Now, here we have our bidentate ligands. What makes them bidentate is that we have two places, two locations where lone pairs can be donated. In the first one, we have ethylenediamine, and it's both nitrogen with their lone pairs that can be donated. And then we have here, this is acetylacetonato as its name. And it's both oxygens here that can be donated. Just like both oxygens here that can be donated. They each have their own abbreviations as well. So when it comes to ethylenediamine, its abbreviation would be . Now we're gonna say here that these two lone pairs, there's no negative charge involved. So we'd say that this would represent an ligand. Here, oxalate, it would be as its abbreviation. You have two negative oxygens that can donate a lone pair at the same time. So that's an ligand. And then here for acetylacetonato, we have two oxygens as the site they both donate a lone pair at the same time. So here, its abbreviation is . Both are neutral and they can donate lone pairs, so they will be ligands. These are the most common types of ligands, that are possible when it comes to complex ion formation. Remember, when it comes to neutral ligands, they are called ligands. Negatively charged ligands are ligands. If we have a negative charge, then that can represent an ligand. If we look at pi bonds being used to donate a lone pair, that's what is characteristic of an ligand. So that's what you look out for. Just keep in mind some of these common types of ligands as we explore more and more about complex ions. Now that we've talked about the differences between them, we'll take a look in the next video on the following examples where we're just being asked to give the complex ion structure. So click on to the next video and let's tackle the first example together.