In this video, I want to talk about specific electrophilic alpha substitutions called alpha halogenations. It turns out that alpha halogenation can proceed through an acid-catalyzed and a base-catalyzed mechanism. I'm going to show you both. But it's important to note they actually yield different products because of what the intermediates look like. The acid catalyzed mechanism is always going to yield monohalogenation. Let me show you what this mechanism looks like. For an acid-catalyzed mechanism, this is going to proceed through the enol tautomer. We're going to be trying to make the enol tautomer. The way it works is let's say you're using just H3O+ and you protonate. What you're going to wind up getting is something that looks like this. I'll just draw it like this. Double bond. Oops. That's terrible. So another one. There we go. Then we can make the enol. The enol would be with the conjugate base. You take off the alpha proton with water, my conjugate. I would do this, this, and this. Then I get my enol tautomer.
This enol is now a pretty good nucleophile. I can use it to attack my diatomic halogen in a similar way, not really the same way but similar to another nucleophile. You would go ahead, grab one of the X's, kick off one of the X's and what you wind up getting is a molecule that looks like this, OH with now a new X here. Also, I'm sorry. The mechanism would do this. You would also bring down the electrons to reform the double bond. What you would get is something like this. That would be kind of the intermediate. Eventually, this gets deprotonated using water and you get back to your keto form. That's what we call our alpha halogenation. Notice that we add an X to the alpha position but we only add one time. You might be wondering, Johnny, why would you only add once? Why does it not add again? It turns out that having the X there to pull electrons away from the alpha carbon is going to make it less likely to make an enol next time because the enol is going to require a positive charge on that carbon. Not on that carbon but on those carbons. By pulling away extra electrons, you make it less likely to form an enol. It only reacts once.
Cool so far? Awesome.