6. Thermodynamics and Kinetics - Part 2 of 2
6. Thermodynamics and Kinetics / Carbocation Intermediate Rearrangements / Problem 9
Consider the two pathways for the reaction:
![Reaction pathways A and B for carbocation rearrangements in organic chemistry.](https://lh7-rt.googleusercontent.com/slidesz/AGV_vUe0WPhekG4GkA0jJ5t1U1WpO4qtwLv-E8R-vkBSgiYNtiteP6U98sTpQWCjLSf0Mp0O0WLiDMLXK963gBw9Fqh_2TfWb2o0L42roLIvErDllQzOys37ibKrarlokyYXQwOqP2ggEQ=nw?key=JV0aR6hTX5sy468aKQzLbhkt)
Does the following reaction coordinate for the boxed portion of the two pathways rationalize pathway B as the one that produces the major product?
![Graph comparing energy levels of 2° and 3° carbocation intermediates in pathways A and B.](https://static.studychannel.pearsonprd.tech/courses/organic-chemistry/thumbnails/57cf892b-3464-47ea-a523-9d07f0f0b64e)
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