15. Analytical Techniques:IR, NMR, Mass Spect - Part 2 of 4
15. Analytical Techniques:IR, NMR, Mass Spect / IR Spect:Extra Practice / Problem 4
We know that when substituents are properly positioned, they can transmit electronic information through the benzene ring. This concept can be discovered and applied using IR spectroscopy. Would you expect the carbonyl stretching band to appear at a higher frequency for cyclohexyl methyl ketone or acetophenone? Explain.
![Chemical structures of acetophenone and cyclohexyl methyl ketone for IR spectroscopy analysis.](https://static.studychannel.pearsonprd.tech/courses/organic-chemistry/thumbnails/fd741d82-792f-4d7e-9e1e-ea7ad00b39a6)
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