What's up, guys? We're finally getting to the oxidative workout mechanism. Alright. And sorry to let you down, but there's not actually a mechanism here. Okay? This is unknown. Alright. I know you're all super bummed about that. You don't get to learn another mechanism, but it is important to know what an oxidative workup does in an ozonolysis reaction. Okay. When we react our ozonide intermediate with our oxidative workup reagents here, H2O2, which is hydrogen peroxide. Anything that would have turned into an aldehyde in our reductive workup will turn into a carboxylic acid. Okay. So here we form a carboxylic acid and a ketone. Okay. So if we look up to our reductive workup of the same ozonide intermediate, we formed a ketone and an aldehyde.
Alright. We basically just oxidize that aldehyde up to a carboxylic acid. Okay. So in your ozonide intermediate, anywhere that you see a hydrogen attached to one of these carbons making 2 oxygen sigma bonds, that hydrogen will become an OH in your carboxylic acid. Okay? So super important to know, super useful reaction to use. Okay? Go ahead and try the practice problem below, and then in our next video, we'll come in and solve it.