Looking at the general setup for Sonogashiri coupling reaction, we can see that fundamentally what's happening. We have our x group and our h group being lost so that this terminal alkyne part which is attached to R2 can combine with R1. Use that in order to determine what our product would be in terms of this particular Sonogashira coupling reaction question. Alright. So here we have our terminal alkyne which has a hydrogen we don't see. In this case, the x group is represented by our triflate. Alright.
So this would represent so this would be h green. Since this is our X group, that would mean that what's attached to it would represent our R1. And then here, this would be our R2, this portion here. So we know that all that's going to really happen, if we think about it in the simplest of terms, is we know that we're going to have them being lost, and then our R1 and R2 groups bonding together. So our product would look like this: Stronger R1 group first. And then we're going to connect the terminal alkyne which is still connected to this benzene ring and the methyl group attached. Okay.
And realize here that the alkene had an E configuration and here it's still maintaining that same E configuration. So, this is pretty common when it comes to the reductive elimination step, where we have the retention of our stereochemistry when we first talked about the basic layout for a cross-coupling reaction mechanism. Now that we know just the basic way of looking at a Sonogashira coupling reaction to produce our product, we can now look at the mechanism involved to create these types of more conjugated products.