Everyone, so here it says, which one of the following molecules is not a product of glycolysis? Now remember, in glycolysis, we're oxidizing glucose. Right? So we have glucose here.
We oxidize it to form pyruvate. We oxidize it to form pyruvate by using NAD+. So NAD+ is oxidizing glucose to change it into pyruvate. NAD+ as a consequence of this also is reduced to NADH, and we also make ATP.
So if we look yes. Pyruvate is created because we've oxidized glucose into pyruvate. NAD+ is reduced to NADH. ATP is also something that we create as a high energy molecule. Now Acetyl CoA is not part of glycolysis.
After glycolysis is done, then we go into Acetyl CoA formation. That is where Acetyl CoA comes into play, but it is not a product of glycolysis itself. So here the answer would be option D.