All right. So for this first one, what I notice is that this oxygen, even though it looks like it only has 2 bond sites, we know that can't be the case because it has a full octet. So remember, this actually has 2 lone pairs. If you didn't draw those in, then you're going to be super confused. That has 2 lone pairs, so that means this is going to be sp3 and it's sp3 that has 2 lone pairs, so that means the name of this is bent. Is that cool? Let's look at this next one. This next one looks like it only has 2 bond sites. I'm talking about this one right here. It looks like it only has 2, but remember there's completed. Now, if this is throwing you off adding stuff, you're like Johnny, how would I know there's a hydrogen? How would I know if there's a lone pair? Go back and review what I was talking about with the octet rule and with bond line structures because that means that you're having a hard time interpreting a bond line structure. That means you have to go back and practice. All right. So the bond line structure means there's an H there. So now I know that I have 3 bond sites and there's no lone pairs, so this is just going to be sp2 and it's going to be trigonal planar. Cool?
Then we have our last one over here. Once again, it looks like it has 2 bond sites, but we know that can't be the case because then carbon would be very angry at us. It needs 2 hydrogens. How did we know that? From using bond line structures. So we have 4 different groups here. They're all atoms. There's no lone pairs. So this is going to be sp3 and it's going to be tetrahedral. Easy, right? Once you learn it, it's like second nature, but at the beginning, it can be a little confusing. So now, I hope that made sense to you guys and I want to do some practice problems.