Here in this example, it says, thiophene is highly reactive in comparison to benzene and undergoes bromination without a Lewis acid catalyst. Draw the major and minor products of the following bromination reaction. Now we know that, typically, if we saw bromination with benzene, it would be Br2 over our Lewis acid catalyst, which is typically iron (III) bromide. But since thiophene is more reactive than benzene, we don't need to use that Lewis acid catalyst. We simply use acetic acid.
Now remember, when it comes to our heterocyclic compounds of pyrrole, furan, and thiophene, substitution of carbon 2 is preferred as the major product and substitution of carbon 3 would give us our minor product. So if we take a look here, remember, the heteroatom is at position 1, then we'll go 1, 2, 3. Here, we're going to draw our major product. And remember, in bromination, we're substituting a bromine, so Br goes here. It's in position 2 so this will be our major product.
And our minor product would have it go to position 3 or carbon 3 up here. So these will be our two answers. The first one on carbon 2 would be our major product and the product where it's on carbon 3 would be our minor product. Right? So, these will be our two final answers.