So, for example 2, we have to provide the complex ion structure when copper(I) combines with ethylene diamine and 2 cyanide anions. So we have copper(I), and then we have ethylene diamine. Here we can use the abbreviated form of ethylene diamine, so we just say that's en. And then we have 2 cyanide anions. So 2 CN-. The overall charge of our complex ion would be +1 from the copper(I). Ethylene diamine is an L-two ligand so it doesn't contribute any charge. And then we have 2 cyanide ions so that they're contributing -2 overall. So when we add all that up, our complex ion should have a negative one charge. Now we write it out. So we have copper. Remember brackets because we're going to have a charge. Copper is connected to our ethylene diamine. So we just do parenthesis en. Then it's connected to 2 cyanide ions. So parenthesis 2, close brackets, and then the -1 on the outside. So this would represent our complex ion structure:
[ Cu+ ( en ) ( 2 CN- ) ] -1Remember, it's important to know the types of ligands that are attaching to your transition metal because that'll have an effect on the overall charge of your complex ion. Remember that ligands that have no charge that are neutral are typed L ligands whereas ligands with a negative charge are typed as X ligands. These are important terms that you need to keep in mind when we delve deeper and deeper into complex ions and the eventual organic chemical reactions that they will undertake.