Textbook QuestionWould you expect a CH₃/CH₃ eclipsing interaction to be larger or smaller than 1.3 kcal/mol?295views
Textbook QuestionNote: If not specified, assume a temperature of 298 K for all problems. (••) The following table of strain energies is associated with a variety of 1,2-gauche interactions. Use this table to answer the questions (i)–(iv). For each of the bond rotations shown, (i) identify which you believe to be more stable, (ii) calculate ∆G°, (iii) calculate the equilibrium constant, and (iv) draw the transition state. (c)337views
Textbook Questiond. How much more stable is the most stable staggered conformer than the least stable eclipsed conformer?456views
Textbook Questiona. Draw a potential energy diagram for rotation about the C¬C bond of 1,2-dichloroethane through 360°, starting with the least stable conformer. The anti conformer is 1.2 kcal/mol more stable than a gauche conformer. A gauche conformer has two energy barriers, 5.2 kcal/mol and 9.3 kcal/mol.672views