Predict the products with the following reaction. If multiple steps are indicated, then state all the intermediate structures. Cool. So guys, let's figure out what we're working with first and then actually draw it all out. So what I'm starting off with is an aldohexose called dehydose. And my first reaction appears to be bromine water, so I know this should be a weak oxidation. My second one is peroxide and an iron 3 complex or ion and water. Okay. Now actually guys, I drew it this way because I want you guys to know that, you could see that iron sulfate complex written in a lot of different ways, as long as you have some kind of elemental iron 3+ that's all you're really looking for. You're just looking for something that's iron 3+ to promote and to do this radical reaction, okay. So guys, you should know that this is going to be the radical decarboxylation. And I could even say decarboxylation oxidation. Right. Because we know that the aldehyde gets oxidized; the alcohol gets oxidized to an aldehyde at the end. So let's draw the intermediate structures because it says if multiple steps are indicated draw all of them. So the intermediate structure is going to be the carboxylic acid of the first one which is going to be this:
<math> <mo>OH</mo> <mi>C</mi> <mo>(</mo> <mi>O</mi> <mo>)</mo> <mi>OH</mi> </math> (Intermediate structure 1, oxidation of the top aldehyde to a carboxylic acid.)
Cool. And then my second and last step is going to be to get rid of it. So then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to draw this part with an aldehyde sticking off of the top. So it's going to be I'm really just drawing the bottom part first so:
<math> <mi>O</mi> <mo>OH</mo> <mo>O</mo> <mo>CH</mo>2<mi>OH</mi>, <mi>H</mi>, <mi>H</mi> </math>
What's that what I'm drawing what's in that circle. Cool. And now we know that this position gets oxidized to an aldehyde. So let's draw that:
<math> <mi>O</mi>=<mi>CH</mi> <mo>+</mo> <mi>CO</mi>2<mi>gas</mi> </math> (This represents the formation of aldehyde and evolution of CO2 gas.)
Cool. And that's my rough degradation guys. We're done. That was it. Awesome. So we're done with this practice problem. Let's move on to the next video.