Everyone. In this example question, it says, "Draw the meta cyclobutane intermediate that leads to the formation as a metathesis product." Alright. So here, here's our pi bond. Here's our pi bond.
We can show that this pi bond breaks and attaches here, and this one breaks and attaches right here. This would give us, if we take a look, we're going to say we have our Ruthenium here. Its pi bond is being used to make this bond here, which should be connected to this carbon right here. That carbon is still connected to this carbon. And that carbon is still connected to this cyclohexane ring.
We can then say also that this carbon, which is this carbon, is using its pi bonds to connect to this carbon right here. That carbon is still connected to this ruthenium right there. So, this is our 2+2 cycloaddition, and then that carbon in blue is still connected to its cyclohexane ring. So this will represent our metacyclobutane intermediate when we have these 2 compounds interacting with each other. So this will be our final product in this particular example question.