So here it says, determine the product from the following Heck reaction. Alright, so if we take a look here, we have this as our first compound, which is our alkene. So this is our R2 group. Then we're going to have this second structure here, which has the halogen on it. Remember that the halogen is a leaving group, so it represents our X group. Therefore, it's connected to all of this, which is our R1 group. Remember, the basic setup is that we are going to lose the X group and the hydrogen of the alkene so that my R1 and R2 groups can combine. In this reaction, we also have our palladium catalyst in the form of Pd(OAc)2. We have PPh3, employed in conjunction with it. So, you can consider this as your catalyst on top. Then we have on the bottom our base which is triethylamine. Now remember regioselectivity. We have the reaction that's highly regioselective with the R1 group going to the less substituted alkene position - the substituted position of the alkene. So we have hydrogens attached to this alkene. And remember, the less substituted position just means the alkene carbon with more hydrogens. This alkene carbon here has 1 hydrogen, and this one here has 2. So we're going to lose one of these hydrogens on this carbon. It's going to combine with the iodine and it's going to be lost so that we can combine R1 and R2 together. Now, here, it doesn't really matter which one is lost because there is no stereochemistry associated with this double bond. It's not E or Z. So H and our X are lost through the process so that R1 and R2 can combine. Now, the alkene of R1 though has E or Z configurations associated with it. It is an E configuration which would mean that it needs to stay E at the end of this reaction.
So what I'm going to do here is I'm going to draw R1 first. And to maintain configuration, all you have to do is just draw the R2 group in the same position that the iodine was in, and in that way, it maintains its E configuration. So pretty simple if you approach it that way. So now we're going to connect this carbon here to this carbon here. Okay. So there goes my carbon, which is still connected to the other double-bonded carbon, which is still connected to this cyclopentane ring. So this here would represent my final product. So, again, the alkene of my R2 group isn't E or Z, so it doesn't really matter. But the alkene structure of my R1 group has an E configuration, and that has to be maintained because we're also dealing with stereoselectivity where it maintains, it tries to maintain its stereochemistry, but it greatly favors the E configuration as the major. Alright. So this would be our final product for this particular question. And that's the only approach you need to take if they're not asking for the mechanism. Later on, we'll go into greater detail on how the Heck, reaction mechanism exactly works to get our final product. But for now, just remember, look at it in a simple way. X and H are lost so that R1 and R2 are combined together. If you can do that, you'll get your final answer for the Heck reaction.