Now, when it comes to drawing and naming peptides, remember that every peptide has directionality. What we mean by that is that we look at it from the N-terminus to the C-terminus end. Now, when we say N-terminus, this is just the residue with the free amino group. And when we say C-terminus, this is the residue with the free carboxyl group. Now, when drawing or naming, always arrange from left to right and have it in N-terminus to C-terminus when looking at a peptide.
If we take a look here, we have our N-terminus on the left, and that's because the free amino group is on the left side here on that end. And then they're connected to another amino acid through this peptide bond here. And this is the C-terminus because the carboxyl group is on this end. Right? So we're looking at this structure, this peptide, 2 amino acids connected by a peptide bond, and we're looking on the left side, we have our N-terminus end.
And on the right side, we have our C-terminus end. Keep this directionality in mind whenever you're naming or writing a peptide.