I just want to show you guys the mechanism really quick so you'll know what's going on. Okay? So basically, in my first step, what I have is a nucleophilic oxygen. Why is that nucleophilic? Because it's got 2 lone pairs. And then I've got my phosphoryl chloride that looks like this. Now notice that it kind of looks like a carbonyl except I have a phosphorus there instead of a carbon. So if I were to draw any dipoles, does that molecule have any? Yeah. There's actually a lot. There's a bunch of dipoles pulling away from the phosphorus. Okay? So if I had to give a charge, what do you think it would be? Would it be partially positive? Partially negative? What would make sense? This should have a very strong partial positive. It's going to be very electrophilic because all the electrons are basically getting sucked out of the phosphorus. Okay? So what that means is my oxygen sees this and those lone pairs are nucleophilic, so it attacks the phosphorus. Okay? Now this phosphorus is attached to 3 Cls and Cls are really good at leaving. After they leave and become a conjugate base, they're super stable. So we can just kick out any of the Cls that we want. Okay? What that's going to lead to is a structure that looks like this:
O H -P OCl 2And obviously, we would get the Cl leaving group just by itself. Okay? Now, are there any formal charges that I'm missing? Yes. There's a positive charge right here. And in the second step, pyridine does a deprotonation. Okay? It turns out that the lone pair on pyridine is actually pretty basic. It's very nucleophilic. It's looking for something to give its electrons to, so it can go ahead and deprotonate. In the next step, what happens is that I basically get
O CH 3 -P OCl 2and I wind up getting pyridine that's protonated and Cl negative. Does that make sense so far? Cool. So now, we're back here down to this bottom part where we're going to do an E2 Beta elimination. It turns out that the P OCl2 just made this oxygen an awesome leaving group. So O used to suck as a leaving group. Now it's an awesome leaving group. Okay? So that means that this is my alpha carbon. How many different beta carbons do I have if I'm going to do an elimination? Well, actually, this is beta and this is beta. Are they both exactly the same? No. They're not because one has a methyl, one doesn't. Do they both have at least 1 hydrogen? Yes, they do. This one has 2 and this one has 1. So which one do I pick? Which one's going to be the one that I eliminate with? And it turns out I'm going to eliminate with the one that's going to give me the Zaitsev product, so that would be green because green is going to give you the most substituted double bond. So in this last elimination step, what I do is I use another equivalent of pyridine. Okay? I'm going to use another equivalent of pyridine and because it's a basic lone pair, it's going to allow me to do this elimination step. And what I'm going to wind up getting is a double bond like this:
C = CPlus I would get my O-P(OCl2)- as a leaving group. Okay? Oh, I'm sorry. By the way, I forgot to draw one arrow. The leaving group hadn't left yet. This is E2. So if I make that double bond, I need to kick out the leaving group. I'm sorry about that, obviously. I get 2 equivalents of protonated pyridines. I'm sorry. It's just going to have an H there. And since it has an H, that nitrogen is actually positive. And I'm going to use 2 of those because the first one happened in the first step with the deprotonation and the second one happened in the elimination step. So I would get all of these things, But guess what? What's the part I actually care about? Just the organic product.