In this video, we're going to begin our lesson on the effects of the complement system. And so, recall from some of our previous lesson videos that activation of the complement system can result in three possible effects or immune responses. The first of those is going to be called opsonization. The second is going to be lysis of the microbe or microbe cell lysis. And the third is going to be the inflammatory response leading to inflammation. If you take a look at our image down below, notice that we're showing you the complement system, which we know from our previous lesson videos can be activated by three different pathways. All three of these pathways will ultimately lead to the formation of the enzyme C3 convertase. And the formation of this enzyme C3 convertase ultimately will lead to these immune responses, either opsonization, microbe cell lysis, or the inflammatory response. Really, these are the effects of the activation of the complement system. As we move forward in our course, we'll be able to talk some more details about each of these effects of the complement system. This here concludes our brief introduction to the effects of the complement system, and I'll see you all in our next lesson video to talk more details about each of these three effects.
- 1. Introduction to Microbiology3h 21m
- Introduction to Microbiology16m
- Introduction to Taxonomy26m
- Scientific Naming of Organisms9m
- Members of the Bacterial World10m
- Introduction to Bacteria9m
- Introduction to Archaea10m
- Introduction to Eukarya20m
- Acellular Infectious Agents: Viruses, Viroids & Prions19m
- Importance of Microorganisms20m
- Scientific Method27m
- Experimental Design30m
- 2. Disproving Spontaneous Generation1h 18m
- 3. Chemical Principles of Microbiology3h 38m
- 4. Water1h 28m
- 5. Molecules of Microbiology2h 23m
- 6. Cell Membrane & Transport3h 28m
- Cell Envelope & Biological Membranes12m
- Bacterial & Eukaryotic Cell Membranes8m
- Archaeal Cell Membranes18m
- Types of Membrane Proteins8m
- Concentration Gradients and Diffusion9m
- Introduction to Membrane Transport14m
- Passive vs. Active Transport13m
- Osmosis33m
- Simple and Facilitated Diffusion17m
- Active Transport30m
- ABC Transporters11m
- Group Translocation7m
- Types of Small Molecule Transport Review9m
- Endocytosis and Exocytosis15m
- 7. Prokaryotic Cell Structures & Functions5h 52m
- Prokaryotic & Eukaryotic Cells26m
- Binary Fission11m
- Generation Times16m
- Bacterial Cell Morphology & Arrangements35m
- Overview of Prokaryotic Cell Structure10m
- Introduction to Bacterial Cell Walls26m
- Gram-Positive Cell Walls11m
- Gram-Negative Cell Walls20m
- Gram-Positive vs. Gram-Negative Cell Walls11m
- The Glycocalyx: Capsules & Slime Layers12m
- Introduction to Biofilms6m
- Pili18m
- Fimbriae & Hami7m
- Introduction to Prokaryotic Flagella12m
- Prokaryotic Flagellar Structure18m
- Prokaryotic Flagellar Movement11m
- Proton Motive Force Drives Flagellar Motility5m
- Chemotaxis14m
- Review of Prokaryotic Surface Structures8m
- Prokaryotic Ribosomes16m
- Introduction to Bacterial Plasmids13m
- Cell Inclusions9m
- Endospores16m
- Sporulation5m
- Germination5m
- 8. Eukaryotic Cell Structures & Functions2h 18m
- 9. Microscopes2h 46m
- Introduction to Microscopes8m
- Magnification, Resolution, & Contrast10m
- Introduction to Light Microscopy5m
- Light Microscopy: Bright-Field Microscopes23m
- Light Microscopes that Increase Contrast16m
- Light Microscopes that Detect Fluorescence16m
- Electron Microscopes14m
- Reviewing the Different Types of Microscopes10m
- Introduction to Staining5m
- Simple Staining14m
- Differential Staining6m
- Other Types of Staining11m
- Reviewing the Types of Staining8m
- Gram Stain13m
- 10. Dynamics of Microbial Growth4h 36m
- Biofilms16m
- Growing a Pure Culture5m
- Microbial Growth Curves in a Closed System21m
- Temperature Requirements for Microbial Growth18m
- Oxygen Requirements for Microbial Growth22m
- pH Requirements for Microbial Growth8m
- Osmolarity Factors for Microbial Growth14m
- Reviewing the Environmental Factors of Microbial Growth12m
- Nutritional Factors of Microbial Growth30m
- Growth Factors4m
- Introduction to Cultivating Microbial Growth5m
- Types of Solid Culture Media4m
- Plating Methods16m
- Measuring Growth by Direct Cell Counts9m
- Measuring Growth by Plate Counts14m
- Measuring Growth by Membrane Filtration6m
- Measuring Growth by Biomass15m
- Introduction to the Types of Culture Media5m
- Chemically Defined Media3m
- Complex Media4m
- Selective Media5m
- Differential Media9m
- Reducing Media4m
- Enrichment Media7m
- Reviewing the Types of Culture Media8m
- 11. Controlling Microbial Growth4h 10m
- Introduction to Controlling Microbial Growth29m
- Selecting a Method to Control Microbial Growth44m
- Physical Methods to Control Microbial Growth49m
- Review of Physical Methods to Control Microbial Growth7m
- Chemical Methods to Control Microbial Growth16m
- Chemicals Used to Control Microbial Growth6m
- Liquid Chemicals: Alcohols, Aldehydes, & Biguanides15m
- Liquid Chemicals: Halogens12m
- Liquid Chemicals: Surface-Active Agents17m
- Other Types of Liquid Chemicals14m
- Chemical Gases: Ethylene Oxide, Ozone, & Formaldehyde13m
- Review of Chemicals Used to Control Microbial Growth11m
- Chemical Preservation of Perishable Products10m
- 12. Microbial Metabolism5h 16m
- Introduction to Energy15m
- Laws of Thermodynamics15m
- Chemical Reactions9m
- ATP20m
- Enzymes14m
- Enzyme Activation Energy9m
- Enzyme Binding Factors9m
- Enzyme Inhibition10m
- Introduction to Metabolism8m
- Negative & Positive Feedback7m
- Redox Reactions22m
- Introduction to Aerobic Cellular Respiration25m
- Types of Phosphorylation12m
- Glycolysis19m
- Entner-Doudoroff Pathway11m
- Pentose-Phosphate Pathway10m
- Pyruvate Oxidation8m
- Krebs Cycle16m
- Electron Transport Chain19m
- Chemiosmosis7m
- Review of Aerobic Cellular Respiration19m
- Fermentation & Anaerobic Respiration23m
- 13. Photosynthesis2h 31m
- 14. DNA Replication2h 25m
- 15. Central Dogma & Gene Regulation7h 14m
- Central Dogma7m
- Introduction to Transcription20m
- Steps of Transcription22m
- Transcription Termination in Prokaryotes7m
- Eukaryotic RNA Processing and Splicing20m
- Introduction to Types of RNA9m
- Genetic Code25m
- Introduction to Translation30m
- Steps of Translation23m
- Review of Transcription vs. Translation12m
- Prokaryotic Gene Expression21m
- Review of Prokaryotic vs. Eukaryotic Gene Expression13m
- Introduction to Regulation of Gene Expression13m
- Prokaryotic Gene Regulation via Operons27m
- The Lac Operon21m
- Glucose's Impact on Lac Operon25m
- The Trp Operon20m
- Review of the Lac Operon & Trp Operon11m
- Introduction to Eukaryotic Gene Regulation9m
- Eukaryotic Chromatin Modifications16m
- Eukaryotic Transcriptional Control22m
- Eukaryotic Post-Transcriptional Regulation28m
- Post-Translational Modification6m
- Eukaryotic Post-Translational Regulation13m
- 16. Microbial Genetics4h 44m
- Introduction to Microbial Genetics11m
- Introduction to Mutations20m
- Methods of Inducing Mutations15m
- Prototrophs vs. Auxotrophs13m
- Mutant Detection25m
- The Ames Test14m
- Introduction to DNA Repair5m
- DNA Repair Mechanisms37m
- Horizontal Gene Transfer18m
- Bacterial Transformation11m
- Transduction32m
- Introduction to Conjugation6m
- Conjugation: F Plasmids18m
- Conjugation: Hfr & F' Cells19m
- Genome Variability21m
- 17. Biotechnology3h 0m
- 18. Viruses, Viroids, & Prions4h 56m
- Introduction to Viruses20m
- Introduction to Bacteriophage Infections14m
- Bacteriophage: Lytic Phage Infections12m
- Bacteriophage: Lysogenic Phage Infections17m
- Bacteriophage: Filamentous Phage Infections8m
- Plaque Assays9m
- Introduction to Animal Virus Infections10m
- Animal Viruses: 1. Attachment to the Host Cell7m
- Animal Viruses: 2. Entry & Uncoating in the Host Cell19m
- Animal Viruses: 3. Synthesis & Replication22m
- Animal Viruses: DNA Virus Synthesis & Replication14m
- Animal Viruses: RNA Virus Synthesis & Replication22m
- Animal Viruses: Antigenic Drift vs. Antigenic Shift9m
- Animal Viruses: Reverse-Transcribing Virus Synthesis & Replication9m
- Animal Viruses: 4. Assembly Inside Host Cell8m
- Animal Viruses: 5. Release from Host Cell15m
- Acute vs. Persistent Viral Infections25m
- COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2)14m
- Plant Viruses12m
- Viroids6m
- Prions13m
- 19. Innate Immunity7h 15m
- Introduction to Immunity8m
- Introduction to Innate Immunity17m
- Introduction to First-Line Defenses5m
- Physical Barriers in First-Line Defenses: Skin13m
- Physical Barriers in First-Line Defenses: Mucous Membrane9m
- First-Line Defenses: Chemical Barriers24m
- First-Line Defenses: Normal Microflora5m
- Introduction to Cells of the Immune System15m
- Cells of the Immune System: Granulocytes29m
- Cells of the Immune System: Agranulocytes25m
- Introduction to Cell Communication5m
- Cell Communication: Surface Receptors & Adhesion Molecules16m
- Cell Communication: Cytokines27m
- Pattern Recognition Receptors (PRRs)45m
- Introduction to the Complement System24m
- Activation Pathways of the Complement System23m
- Effects of the Complement System23m
- Review of the Complement System12m
- Phagoctytosis21m
- Introduction to Inflammation18m
- Steps of the Inflammatory Response26m
- Fever8m
- Interferon Response25m
- 20. Adaptive Immunity7h 14m
- Introduction to Adaptive Immunity32m
- Antigens12m
- Introduction to T Lymphocytes38m
- Major Histocompatibility Complex Molecules20m
- Activation of T Lymphocytes21m
- Functions of T Lymphocytes25m
- Review of Cytotoxic vs Helper T Cells13m
- Introduction to B Lymphocytes27m
- Antibodies14m
- Classes of Antibodies35m
- Outcomes of Antibody Binding to Antigen15m
- T Dependent & T Independent Antigens21m
- Clonal Selection20m
- Antibody Class Switching17m
- Affinity Maturation14m
- Primary and Secondary Response of Adaptive Immunity21m
- Immune Tolerance28m
- Regulatory T Cells10m
- Natural Killer Cells16m
- Review of Adaptive Immunity25m
- 21. Principles of Disease6h 57m
- Symbiotic Relationships12m
- The Human Microbiome46m
- Characteristics of Infectious Disease47m
- Stages of Infectious Disease Progression26m
- Koch's Postulates26m
- Molecular Koch's Postulates11m
- Bacterial Pathogenesis36m
- Introduction to Pathogenic Toxins6m
- Exotoxins Cause Damage to the Host40m
- Endotoxin Causes Damage to the Host13m
- Exotoxins vs. Endotoxin Review13m
- Immune Response Damage to the Host15m
- Introduction to Avoiding Host Defense Mechanisms8m
- 1) Hide Within Host Cells5m
- 2) Avoiding Phagocytosis31m
- 3) Surviving Inside Phagocytic Cells10m
- 4) Avoiding Complement System9m
- 5) Avoiding Antibodies25m
- Viruses Evade the Immune Response27m
Effects of the Complement System: Study with Video Lessons, Practice Problems & Examples
Effects of the Complement System
Video transcript
1) Opsonization
Video transcript
This video, we're going to talk more details about opsonization, which is one of the three effects of complement system activation. And so, opsonization is really just a process that makes microbes easier to bind and engulf during the process of phagocytosis, which recall is cellular eating. Now during the process of opsonization, microbes are going to be coated with these molecules called opsonins. And so opsonins are really just these small molecules that will bind to the cell surface of microbes, and they can be recognized by cell surface receptors of phagocytic cells. And so for example, C3B is an opsonin. And so C3B as an opsonin, it will bind to the surface of microbes. And by binding to the surface of microbes, C3B can make phagocytosis much easier and more effective for phagocytic cells. And so if we take a look at our image down below, notice at the top we're showing you a map of our lesson that starts with C3 convertase. And we know that activation of the complement system through either of the 3 pathways will ultimately lead to C3 convertase. And C3 convertase will ultimately lead to one of these three effects of the complement system activation. And here in this video, we're focused on optimization. Now down below over here on the left-hand side, we're showing you a little cartoon. If there is no optimization, then notice that the macrophage, which is our phagocytic cell, is gonna have a lot more trouble, phagocytosing the microbe. And so notice here the microbe is saying can't catch me, and the macrophage is asking why can't I grab you? And so phagocytosis is much more difficult if there is no opsonization. Now through opsonization, which recall is one of the effects of complement system activation, Then these opsinin molecules, which are these little blue circles will bind to the surface of the microbes. And so those little opsonins somewhat act as like little grips that makes it a lot easier for the phagocytosed, for the phagocyte to bind and phagocytosed the microbe. And so notice that these gloves here are representing opsonin cell surface receptors that allow for the phagocyte to bind a lot easier to the microbe. And so notice that the macrophage is saying, gotcha now. And the microbe here is not very happy saying, oh, no. And so basically what we're saying here is that opsonization makes phagocytosis way easier for the phagocyte. Now, up here at the top right, we're showing you a similar image, but we've got our, macrophage here in blue, and it is phagocytosing this microbe that you see right here. And if we zoom in, what you'll notice is that the microbe is going to be covered with C3B, which is an example of an opsonin. And the Opsonin C3B binds to the surface of the microbe, and so the cell surface receptors of the phagocyte can bind to the C3B and it makes it a lot easier for the, phagocyte to phagocytose, the microbe. And so ultimately what we're saying here is that optimization is a process that makes phagocytosis much easier and much more effective and efficient. And so, this here concludes our brief lesson on optimization, and we'll be able to get some practice applying these concepts as well as move forward and talk about the other effects of complement system activation including microbe sole lysis and the inflammatory response. So I'll see you all in our next video.
A pathogenic bacterium that is able to avoid binding with the complement protein C3b would most likely protect itself from which of the following immune responses?
2) Cell Lysis of Invading Microbes
Video transcript
This video, we're going to talk a little bit about cell lysis of invading microbes, which is one of the effects of complement system activation. Multiple complement system proteins can form a complex in cell membranes, and these complexes are referred to as membrane attack complexes. These membrane attack complexes are commonly abbreviated as MACs. These membrane attack complexes or MACs consist of multiple complement system proteins that create pores or holes in the cell. These pores or holes in the cell membrane can cause microbes to die by cell lysis. Now these membrane attack complexes or MACs are very effective against gram-negative bacteria, but they are not very effective against gram-positive bacteria because they have a thick peptidoglycan cell wall that surrounds their membrane. However, the gram-negative cells, recall, have an outer lipid membrane, and the membrane attack complex can affect that outer lipid membrane.
The components of the complement system that are involved in the MAC formation include the complement system proteins C5 through C9. If we take a look at our image down below here on the left-hand side, once again, we're showing you our map of the lesson here that starts with C3 convertase, which we know results from activation of the complement system. The formation of C3 convertase can ultimately lead to one of these three immune responses. Here in this video, we are focusing on microbe cell lysis. Cell lysis of invading microbes occurs when complement system proteins form a MAC, which is a membrane attack complex. Notice here, we're showing you a microbe. Zooming in to this microbe, notice that there is a pore being formed by this membrane attack complex or MAC. The membrane attack complex consists of multiple complement system proteins from C5 through C9, and you can see those complement system components right here. But ultimately, the formation of a membrane attack complex in these gram-negative bacteria can lead to cell lysis of the microbe, and cell lysis of the microbe can eliminate that microbe and prevent it from causing us harm.
This here concludes our brief lesson on this topic, and we'll be able to get some practice applying these concepts as we move forward. We'll also talk about the third effect of complement system activation, which is the inflammatory response. So, I'll see you all in our next video.
The complement system can lead to the removal or destruction of invading microbes and the inflammatory response. Which immune response of the complement system is not effective against gram-positive (+) pathogenic bacteria?
How do membrane attack complexes cause cell lysis of invading microbes?
3) Inflammatory Response
Video transcript
In this video, we're going to briefly discuss the inflammatory response, which is one of the three effects of activation of the complement system. And so, in order to contain the site of damage, eliminate microbes, and restore tissue damage, the inflammatory response may occur. And again, the inflammatory response can be triggered by the activation of the complement system. First, we need to recall from some of our previous lesson videos that inflammation is an innate immune response. It is characterized by swelling, redness, heat, pain, and sometimes loss of function. Now, in this process of the inflammatory response, we're going to see that the complement proteins C3a and C5a are going to be the most important ones. These proteins will induce changes in the epithelial cells that are lining the blood vessels; C3a and C5a will cause those epithelial cells lining the blood vessels to dilate. Dilation just means to enlarge. The dilation of the epithelial cells lining the blood vessels allows for additional complement system proteins, as well as immune system cells, to leave the blood and enter into the infected site. This promotes inflammation.
Complement system proteins C3a and C5a will also cause mast cells to degranulate or release their granules into the environment, releasing pro-inflammatory cytokines that promote inflammation. Take a look at our image down below on the left-hand side, where we show you our map of the lesson starting with C3 convertase, which forms from the activation of the complement system. The formation of C3 convertase can lead to these three different effects: immune responses, either opsonization, microbe cell lysis, or the main focus of this video, the inflammatory response. Notice that it's going to be the complement system proteins C3a and C5a that are most important in the inflammatory response. C3 convertase cleaves the inactive protein C3b into the active fragments C3a and C3b. C3a is needed, and C3b can combine with other molecules that ultimately leads to the cleavage of C5 into C5a and C5b. C5a and C3a, the two we are mainly focused on here. When C3a and C5a bind to mast cells, which are very similar to basophils but exist in the tissues rather than circulating in the blood, it causes those mast cells to release their granules, to degranulate. When mast cells degranulate, they release histamine and other pro-inflammatory cytokines that promote inflammation.
Notice in the image down below that we have blood cells exiting the bloodstream and into the site of infection, leading to the events of inflammation. As we move forward in our course, we will talk even more about the details of the inflammatory response and inflammation. But for now, this concludes our brief lesson on how the activation of the complement system and the complement system proteins C3a and C5a can lead to an inflammatory response that helps to eliminate microbes. We will be able to get some practice applying these concepts, and then we will move on to the next topic. So, I'll see you all in our next video.
Which of the following cellular responses does not occur due to the inflammatory response?
The main complement proteins involved in the inflammatory response of the immune system are?
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More setsHere’s what students ask on this topic:
What are the three main effects of complement system activation?
The three main effects of complement system activation are opsonization, microbe cell lysis, and the inflammatory response. Opsonization enhances phagocytosis by coating microbes with opsonins like C3b, making them easier for phagocytes to recognize and engulf. Microbe cell lysis occurs through the formation of membrane attack complexes (MACs), which create pores in the cell membranes of microbes, leading to their destruction. This is particularly effective against gram-negative bacteria. The inflammatory response, driven by complement proteins C3a and C5a, promotes blood vessel dilation and the recruitment of immune cells to the site of infection, characterized by swelling, redness, heat, and pain.
How does opsonization enhance phagocytosis?
Opsonization enhances phagocytosis by coating microbes with molecules called opsonins, such as C3b. These opsonins bind to the surface of the microbes and are recognized by specific receptors on phagocytic cells like macrophages and neutrophils. This binding facilitates the attachment of the phagocyte to the microbe, making it easier for the phagocyte to engulf and digest the microbe. Essentially, opsonins act as 'handles' that improve the efficiency and effectiveness of the phagocytic process.
What is the role of membrane attack complexes (MACs) in the complement system?
Membrane attack complexes (MACs) play a crucial role in the complement system by forming pores in the cell membranes of invading microbes, leading to cell lysis and death. MACs are composed of multiple complement proteins, specifically C5 through C9. These complexes are particularly effective against gram-negative bacteria, which have an outer lipid membrane that is susceptible to pore formation. The formation of these pores disrupts the integrity of the microbial cell membrane, causing the cell to lyse and ultimately die, thereby eliminating the threat.
How do C3a and C5a contribute to the inflammatory response?
C3a and C5a are key complement proteins that contribute to the inflammatory response by inducing changes in the epithelial cells lining blood vessels, causing them to dilate. This dilation allows additional immune cells and complement proteins to exit the bloodstream and enter the site of infection. C3a and C5a also cause mast cells to degranulate, releasing histamine and other pro-inflammatory cytokines. These substances promote inflammation, characterized by swelling, redness, heat, and pain, which helps to contain the site of damage, eliminate microbes, and restore tissue function.
Why are membrane attack complexes (MACs) more effective against gram-negative bacteria than gram-positive bacteria?
Membrane attack complexes (MACs) are more effective against gram-negative bacteria because these bacteria have an outer lipid membrane that is susceptible to pore formation by MACs. In contrast, gram-positive bacteria have a thick peptidoglycan cell wall that surrounds their membrane, providing a protective barrier that MACs cannot easily penetrate. This structural difference makes gram-negative bacteria more vulnerable to the lytic action of MACs, leading to their destruction through cell lysis.
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