In this video, we're going to continue to talk about bacteriophages by focusing specifically on lysogenic phage infections. Recall from our previous lesson videos that lysogenic phages are also sometimes referred to as temperate phages, and these phages may not immediately produce new phages. After lysogenic phage DNA enters into a host cell, one of 2 possible scenarios are going to happen. The first scenario is that after injection of the lysogenic phage DNA, it could lead to the production of new phages by the lytic cycle, as we already discussed in our previous lesson videos. But the second possible scenario of the lysogenic phage DNA is that it could lead to integration of the phage DNA into the host chromosome, forming what's known as a prophage. Recall that a prophage is just the phage DNA that has been integrated. This occurs by the lysogenic cycle. The lysogenic cycle or lysogeny is the lysogenic phage replicating where the phage DNA remains silent or inactive in the cell. New phages are not being produced. However, the prophage, the integrated phage DNA can replicate inside of the lysogen. Recall that the lysogen is just the bacterial cell that carries the prophage, the integrated phage DNA. The prophage, which is within the chromosome of the host cell, can be replicated as the host cell replicates. The prophage can be passed down to future generations of the bacteria through the normal replication processes.
If we take a look at our image down below, we can get a better understanding of the lysogenic cycle as it occurs in a specific type of bacteriophage known as the LambdaPhage. At the very top we're showing you bacteriophage attachment and genome entry. Then the bacteriophage injects its genome into the phage. If this is a temperate or a lysogenic phage, then the phage could lead directly to the lytic cycle as we talked about previously. However, it could also go into the lysogenic cycle. In the lysogenic cycle, integration would be the 3rd step after genome entry. In integration, what happens is the phage DNA is going to integrate into the host cell's chromosome forming a prophage. The prophage is really just the integrated phage DNA, and the bacterial cell along with the prophage is referred to as a lysogen. This is where the lysogenic cycle gets its name because a lysogen is a bacterial cell that contains a prophage. As the lysogen begins to replicate and divide, it will also replicate and divide the prophage. Notice that the prophage here is also being replicated and passed down, and the prophage replicates with the host chromosome, with the lysogen's chromosome. All of the cells that result from replication are going to contain the prophage as well. The viral DNA is being replicated and passed down to the future generations of cells. All offspring are going to end up being lysogens because they all contain the prophage. Under the right conditions, the prophage is able to excise itself, leading us to the 5th step, excision. Excision is really just the removal of the phage DNA. The excised phage DNA, when this prophage is able to excise or remove itself, and the prophage can be excised by a viral enzyme, that can allow the lytic cycle to begin. This means that the lysogenic cycle has the ability to transition back into a lytic cycle, and it can ultimately cause the cell to lyse and lead to a productive infection. However, the lysogenic infection here, notice that there are no viruses being produced in this period. Only the prophage is being replicated, the integrated phage DNA. We'll be able to get some practice applying these concepts as we move forward in our course. But for now, this here concludes our brief introduction to the lysogenic phage infection. I'll see you all in our next video.