In this video, we're going to begin our lesson on glucose's impact on the lac operon. We'll focus on glucose levels, a molecule called cAMP, and how they affect the LAC operon. It's important to note that in most prokaryotes, glucose is the preferred energy source, even in the presence of lactose. This means that if glucose is available to cells, then the cells will use glucose as their primary energy source, not lactose, and therefore the lac operon should be turned off in the presence of glucose. It turns out that glucose levels are linked to cellular levels of a molecule called cyclic AMP, or just cAMP for short, through a process that we're not going to get into in this video. However, what you should know is that when glucose concentrations are really low or when glucose is absent and not available for metabolism, then cellular levels of this molecule called cAMP are going to increase. High cellular cAMP levels will also actually increase the rate of transcription of the lac operon. Essentially, when glucose is low or absent, cAMP levels increase, but if glucose is available, then the lac operon will be turned off. This allows glucose to be used as the preferred and the primary energy source, and lactose will only be used as a secondary energy source when glucose is not available.
cAMP levels do not affect the repressor protein's activity. They only increase transcription of the lac operon when glucose is absent. As we move forward in our course, we'll be able to talk about exactly how cAMP affects the lac operon's transcription. Let's take a look at this image down below. In this example, glucose levels control cAMP levels in the cell, and the cAMP levels in the cell are going to control the rate of the lac operon transcription. On the left hand side, we're showing a cell with a high glucose concentration, represented by a little green hexagon, and a low lactose concentration. This translates to having low cAMP within the cell. The cAMP molecule is represented by a little green circle, and the cAMP levels inside the cell are relatively low when glucose concentrations are high. There's an inverse relationship between glucose concentrations and cAMP concentrations. When one is high, the other is low. The low cAMP is actually going to translate to having low lac operon transcription. The lac operon will not be transcribed at a high rate, and again, this allows glucose to be used as the primary energy source.
However, on the right hand side, we have a different scenario. We still have our cell here in the middle, but notice that this time, there's a low glucose concentration and a high lactose concentration. The low glucose concentration is going to have an inverse relationship with the amount of cAMP, leading to high levels of cAMP within the cell. All of these little green circles represent the cAMP molecules. There are a lot of cAMP on this side as compared to the other side. The high cAMP is going to translate to having high lac operon transcription. This allows lactose to be used as an energy source when glucose is not available. Again, this level of regulation allows glucose to be the primary energy source and lactose to be used only as a secondary energy source when glucose is not available. As we move forward in our course, we're going to talk more about exactly how cAMP increases the transcription of the lac operon, and we'll be able to learn more as we progress. I'll see you all in our next video.