In this video, we're going to begin our lesson on temperature requirements for microbial growth. As you may already know, different microbial species have specific temperature ranges in which these microbes are able to grow. These temperature ranges include minimum and maximum growth temperatures. If the temperatures are too cold or if the temperatures are too hot, then the microbes may not be able to grow. Cardinal temperatures refer to characteristic temperature values that define the specific temperature ranges in which a microbe can actually grow. The cardinal temperatures include a minimum temperature, which is the lowest possible temperature that an organism can actually grow at. Usually, the minimum temperature is not associated with the best growth. It will usually be some form of ineffective growth at the minimum temperature. Then there is the optimal temperature, which is the best temperature for an organism to grow, where the organism is able to multiply and grow most rapidly. The optimal temperature is the temperature that is best suited for that particular organism. The cardinal temperatures also include a maximum temperature, which, of course, is the highest temperature that an organism can grow at. The maximum temperature typically only allows for ineffective growth.
If we take a look at our image down below, we can get a better understanding of cardinal temperatures, which again include a minimum temperature, an optimal temperature, and a maximum temperature. Notice that in this graph that we have down below on the left-hand side, we're showing you the cell growth rate. Having a low value on this y-axis means that the cells are growing really slowly and so they're not growing very well. However, having a high value on the y-axis corresponds with high cell growth, and the cells are able to grow at a very fast rate. Notice that down below what we have is the specific temperature. This curve has a shape that somewhat resembles a bell curve. The minimum temperature is the coldest possible temperature that will allow for cell growth, but note that the cell growth is not going to be very effective at the minimum temperature in most cases. Somewhere in between the minimum temperature and the maximum temperature is the optimal temperature. The optimal temperature is the specific temperature value that allows for the highest amount of growth, the highest growth rate. Over here what we have is the maximum temperature, which is the highest possible temperature that allows for cell growth. Once again, in most cases, the maximum temperature does not allow for very effective cell growth. This concludes our lesson on temperature requirements for microbial growth, and we'll be able to get some more practice applying these concepts and learn more about microbial growth as we move forward in our course. So, I'll see you in our next video.