In this video, we're going to talk briefly about the IgE class of antibody. The IgE antibodies are found on the surface of both basophils and mast cells. Recall that basophils and mast cells have a lot of similarities, but basophils circulate through the bloodstream, whereas mast cells are more localized within specific tissues.
When these IgE antibodies are on the surface of basophils and mast cells, they are capable of detecting and responding to very specific antigens. These IgE antibodies can cause the cell to undergo a process called degranulation, which you might recall from some of our previous lesson videos, just means that it will cause these cells to release their granules and the contents of their granules into the environment. This can include releasing inflammatory mediators that lead to inflammation in response to some kind of infection.
These IgE antibodies are very important for eliminating parasites, such as worms, and they also play an important role in the response to many different types of allergic reactions or hypersensitivities, which we'll talk more about allergic reactions and hypersensitivities much later in our course in a separate video. But for now, if we take a look at our image down below we can get a more solid understanding of this IgE class of antibody. Notice here it has that same antibody structure and is found on the surface of both basophils, as well as mast cells.
Upon binding their antigen, they cause degranulation, the release of the contents of the cytoplasmic granule. These IgE antibodies are important for protecting against parasitic infections like those caused by parasitic worms, as well as again responding to allergies or generating those allergic reactions. We'll talk more about allergies later in our course. But for now, this here concludes our brief lesson on the IgE class of antibody, and we'll be able to get some practice applying these concepts and then talk about the very last class of antibody. So, I'll see you all in our next video.