Multiple ChoiceWhat happens in the market for cream cheese if (1) the price of butter, a substitute for cream cheese, falls and (2) the cost of milk, an input in cream cheese production, rises? 282views
Multiple ChoiceIf the wages of bus drivers increases at the same time that the income of consumers decrease, what happens in the market for bus rides (assuming that bus rides are an inferior good)?293views1rank
Multiple ChoiceIf producers of garden hoses have discovered new technology to improve production, while the number of gardeners increases, what happens in the market for garden hoses?266views
Multiple ChoiceWhat happens in the market for tennis balls if (1) the price of tennis rackets, a complement for tennis balls, increases and (2) the price of baseballs, a substitute in production, decreases?453views2rank
Multiple ChoiceWhat happens in the market for wheat if (1) the cost of fertilizer, an input in production, increases and (2) tornadoes ravages the Midwest, where wheat is grown?253views
Multiple ChoiceWhat happens in the market for online tutoring services if (1) the government decides to provide funding for online tutors and (2) the price of private tutoring, a substitute for online tutoring services, increases?269views4rank