Alright. So now let's extend the discussion to the full demand curve here, right. So now you see on the graph that demand curve that we're used to, right, it's not that jagged one anymore. This is that downward demand, the double d's. We've got our price axis and our quantity axis. So how did we get to this kind of full demand curve, right? In this situation, there's more people in the market, right? Before we only had 4 buyers, but now you could imagine, right, Cartman was going to buy for 8, Kyle for 6, whatever, now there's going to be other people. Someone who might be able to be willing to pay $6.25, someone willing to pay $6.50, someone willing to pay $7.30, right? All these different willingness to pay kind of smooth out the line just because there's way more customers now, and now there's the opportunity, we're going to make it, you know, you could buy more than one now too, right. Maybe you would buy the first unit for $6 and another unit for $4, right? You put you could be at multiple places along this line, but, regardless, the idea here is that we've got our smooth demand curve now, right? So our consumer surplus to calculate it, let's say we're at this price here of p. Our consumer surplus is going to be that area just like it says the area below the demand curve and above market price. Right. So here's below the demand curve and above market price. Right. We're going to get this triangle. Right. And that's why we have our triangle formula, right there in the box as well. Right? 12bh. That's how we would calculate this consumer surplus is by taking that area. So we could say that this could be like the base right here right? The base between this point and the market price, and we would have to be given this point right if we were going to calculate it. We don't know what it is. It would have to be given to us or something, and then we've got our height right here right. This is going to be the height of the triangle and what does that represent? Well the height is just the quantity demanded right there at that price right? That's what we see kind of happening here is that that length there is just the quantity demanded. So there you go. If you have those numbers, you'd be able to calculate a Consumer Surplus there.
So now let's talk about the idea of what's going to happen to this Consumer Surplus after a price decrease. So first let's think logically like what do you think? Do you think Consumer Surplus is going to increase or decrease after the price goes down? So if the price goes down, think about it, we're going to have more surplus, right, because people are getting better deals, right? There's the people who were already buying before are going to be getting better deals because the price went down, and now that there's a lower price, new people are going to be getting in the market who are also going to be getting some consumer surplus. Right. So this price decreased just like we saw above. As the price went down and down and down, Cartman's surplus kept rising, the new people's surplus started coming in right, so let's go ahead and see what happens to the surplus here. Let me pop out of the way here. Alright so we're still going to have that same original surplus right? Well first let me mark here we got our price axis, our quantity axis, and now we're at this I'm going to call it PL like low price right? A lower price and let's go ahead and talk about the consumer surplus. So this purple, that's our original surplus, right? The surplus that already existed at the higher price. There was already some surplus at that higher price, we still get that surplus. Well, those consumers that were buying before still get the surplus and then those consumers also get more surplus just like we saw Cartman's surplus increasing as the price dropped. That's going to be represented by this box. So the people who are already in the market are now getting more surplus, because the price went down. They're getting an even better deal. They get more surplus. Alright. So that's represented by that green box is the additional surplus to the people who are already buying, and then this blue box is going to represent new surplus to new customers, right, people who were not in the market before but now that the price decreased, they are in the market, right? So that's going to be our additional surplus is going to be that green and the blue is the extra surplus we just got because of the price decrease, but you can see that the total surplus still makes this triangle, right? We've got, you know, the triangle that includes all of the areas is still our total consumer surplus. All of this area, that is our total consumer surplus so we could still calculate with the 12bh, right, if we had the numbers we needed, we could calculate the area there, but they could also ask us for, you know, these other areas if they wanted to. They could say hey what was the original surplus in this situation, And we would know to calculate the area of the purple. They could say what is the additional surplus to consumers that were already in the market. Right. People who are already buying, what additional surplus did they get? We would know it's this green box here, right. The green area, that whole green area, and I'm drawing the boxes smaller just so you can see, but it does include the whole area there. And then they can also ask us what is the new surplus to new consumers at the new price, right. So we would have to calculate this little area down here, right, and they would have to give us the numbers right. We would have to have numbers for prices at the different points and different quantities right, so we would have to have a bunch of information, but we could calculate those areas, right. So that's about how it is, with