In this new video, we're going to take a look at heating and cooling curves. We're going to say here in heating and cooling curves, we have the representation of the amount of heat absorbed or released during phase changes. Now let's pretend that this heating curve represents that of water. We call it a heating curve because you can see that over time as our time increases going this way, our temperature is increasing. We're going to say here that we know that water either freezes or melts at 0 degrees Celsius. And then we should know that water either starts to condense or starts to boil at 100 degrees Celsius. These are key temperatures you need to know for water. If it were some other type of compound, like let's say methanol or hexane, you wouldn't know what their melting or boiling points were. So they would have to tell you those numbers. Okay. So just remember for water, it's expected that you do know the values of 0 degrees Celsius and 100 degrees Celsius. But for other compounds, they would give it to you whether you're taking that as a quiz, homework, or an exam. Now we're going to notice that at these temperatures of 0 degrees Celsius and 100 degrees Celsius, our line is flat, meaning there is no change in our temperature. So here and here there's no change in our temperature. But then at temperatures that are not 0 degrees Celsius or 100 degrees Celsius, our temperature does change. Now we're going to need room, guy. Let's talk about these different phases. We know that below 0 degrees Celsius, it's so cold that water will exist as a solid. We're going to say here that water exists as a solid up to 0 degrees Celsius. Once it hits 0 degrees Celsius, then we're undergoing a phase change. And what's happening here is that our solid water which is ice starts to melt. On this plateau on this line here that's not increasing, we're gonna be a solid liquid mix. The solid is slowly melting into a liquid. At this point here, all of it has melted and now it's completely a liquid. So this part here that's increasing is all liquid. Then when we get to 100 degrees Celsius, which is right here, our water starts to boil and again we're undergoing another phase change. On this line here, we have liquid as well as gas, sometimes called vapor. You can say a liquid gas mix or liquid vapor mix. And once we get to this end part here, all of the liquid has evaporated and now it's all gas. As we start to climb up again, it's all gas now. Now let's talk about what's happening at each one of these spots. So here we're going to say this is 1.35. This is 2 and 4. We're going to say here a few key things that we need to recognize in terms of this heating curve. We're going to say during phase changes. So during phase changes that means we're talking about segments 2 and 4. We're going to say that we can tell that temperature remains constant. That's pretty obvious. It's not increasing. It's flat. But here are some other things that are not as obvious. Because your temperature is staying constant, that means your average kinetic energy is remaining constant as well. Just remember, your average kinetic energy is connected to the temperature of your substance. If the temperature of the substance is not changing, your average kinetic energy for that substance won't change either. Now we're going to say here that during these phase changes because this is a heating curve, our particles are going to start to spread themselves out. Because if you think about it, in a solid, all the particles are tightly packed together. Then as we become a liquid, they're moving around more freely but they're still in pretty close, vicinity to each other. They're just sliding on top of each other. Then as we become a gas, that's when they really spread themselves out. During our phase changes, again which are these blue parts where the temperature is remaining constant, we're going to say here the particles are spreading out and that's because the kinetic energy again is not changing. The average kinetic energy is staying the same and heat is being transferred into potential energy. During phase changes, heat is transferred into potential energy. Remember, potential energy is just the energy of your position, or in this case, the energy of your state. Solids have the lowest potential energy, liquids have the next highest and then gases have the highest potential energy. Remember, during these phase changes we're going from one phase to another phase. Now, during temperature changes, what can we say? Here, during temperature changes, we're going to say that heat energy is converted into kinetic energy. Because this is a heating curve and the temperature is increasing, we're going to say increasing temperature would mean that we're going to have an increase in our average kinetic energy. Finally, the last thing we're going to talk about in terms of this heating curve is what type of equations do we use at each one of these positions. We're going to say here our temperature is changing for segment 1 here and so that's going to be Q=mcΔT. M equals mass, c represents the specific heat of the substance, ΔT is the change in temperature. That's final minus initial temperature. Now here, water exists as a solid until it gets to 0 degree Celsius where it starts to melt. Here the specific heat will be for the solid. Now we're all accustomed to remembering the specific heat of water when it's a liquid but there's also specific heat of water when it's a solid, so it's ice, and when it is a gas or steam. We'll talk about the Delta H values in a moment. Remember, for line segment 1, because the temperature is changing, it's Q=mcΔT. During phase changes, there is no change in temperature so that portion of the equation drops out. It then becomes Q=m×ΔH. M here could be either in grams or moles. How do we know which one it is? We look at the units for delta H. And here in these examples that I give to you, Delta H's have grams in them. So m in this case would represent grams. If it was joules per mole or kilojoules per mole, then m would represent moles. Now, here on this first phase change, we're going from a solid to a liquid. That means we're melting or fusion. Another name for melting is fusion. Then in line segment 3, temperature starts to change again so it's going back to q=mcΔt. On this part of the line, we're a liquid completely. Here this will be the specific heat for the liquid. Then on line segment 4 again, we're undergoing a phase change so there's no change in temperature. So q=m×ΔH. On this phase change, we're going from a liquid to a gas. That represents vaporization. We'll use Delta H vape. Temperature is changing again. So and the temperature is changing again. So q=mcΔt one more time. Here because it's a gas, we're going to use the specific heat for the gas. That's how we look in terms of this heating curve. Below we have the cooling curve. Check out the very next video where I go into looking at the cooling curve. But remember, if you know what the parts of the heating curve are, the cooling curve is just everything in the opposite direction.
- 1. The Chemical World9m
- 2. Measurement and Problem Solving2h 25m
- 3. Matter and Energy2h 15m
- Classification of Matter18m
- States of Matter8m
- Physical & Chemical Changes19m
- Chemical Properties8m
- Physical Properties5m
- Temperature (Simplified)9m
- Law of Conservation of Mass5m
- Nature of Energy5m
- First Law of Thermodynamics7m
- Endothermic & Exothermic Reactions7m
- Heat Capacity17m
- Thermal Equilibrium (Simplified)8m
- Intensive vs. Extensive Properties13m
- 4. Atoms and Elements2h 33m
- The Atom (Simplified)9m
- Subatomic Particles (Simplified)12m
- Isotopes17m
- Ions (Simplified)22m
- Atomic Mass (Simplified)17m
- Periodic Table: Element Symbols6m
- Periodic Table: Classifications11m
- Periodic Table: Group Names8m
- Periodic Table: Representative Elements & Transition Metals7m
- Periodic Table: Phases (Simplified)8m
- Periodic Table: Main Group Element Charges12m
- Atomic Theory9m
- Rutherford Gold Foil Experiment9m
- 5. Molecules and Compounds1h 50m
- Law of Definite Proportions9m
- Periodic Table: Elemental Forms (Simplified)6m
- Naming Monoatomic Cations6m
- Naming Monoatomic Anions5m
- Polyatomic Ions25m
- Naming Ionic Compounds11m
- Writing Formula Units of Ionic Compounds7m
- Naming Acids18m
- Naming Binary Molecular Compounds6m
- Molecular Models4m
- Calculating Molar Mass9m
- 6. Chemical Composition1h 23m
- 7. Chemical Reactions1h 43m
- 8. Quantities in Chemical Reactions1h 16m
- 9. Electrons in Atoms and the Periodic Table2h 32m
- Wavelength and Frequency (Simplified)5m
- Electromagnetic Spectrum (Simplified)11m
- Bohr Model (Simplified)9m
- Emission Spectrum (Simplified)3m
- Electronic Structure4m
- Electronic Structure: Shells5m
- Electronic Structure: Subshells4m
- Electronic Structure: Orbitals11m
- Electronic Structure: Electron Spin3m
- Electronic Structure: Number of Electrons4m
- The Electron Configuration (Simplified)20m
- The Electron Configuration: Condensed4m
- Ions and the Octet Rule9m
- Valence Electrons of Elements (Simplified)5m
- Periodic Trend: Metallic Character4m
- Periodic Trend: Atomic Radius (Simplified)7m
- Periodic Trend: Ionization Energy (Simplified)9m
- Periodic Trend: Electron Affinity (Simplified)7m
- Electron Arrangements5m
- The Electron Configuration: Exceptions (Simplified)12m
- 10. Chemical Bonding2h 10m
- Lewis Dot Symbols (Simplified)7m
- Ionic Bonding6m
- Covalent Bonds6m
- Lewis Dot Structures: Neutral Compounds (Simplified)8m
- Bonding Preferences6m
- Multiple Bonds4m
- Lewis Dot Structures: Multiple Bonds10m
- Lewis Dot Structures: Ions (Simplified)8m
- Lewis Dot Structures: Exceptions (Simplified)12m
- Resonance Structures (Simplified)5m
- Valence Shell Electron Pair Repulsion Theory (Simplified)4m
- Electron Geometry (Simplified)7m
- Molecular Geometry (Simplified)9m
- Bond Angles (Simplified)11m
- Dipole Moment (Simplified)14m
- Molecular Polarity (Simplified)7m
- 11 Gases2h 12m
- 12. Liquids, Solids, and Intermolecular Forces1h 11m
- 13. Solutions3h 1m
- 14. Acids and Bases2h 14m
- 15. Chemical Equilibrium1h 27m
- 16. Oxidation and Reduction1h 33m
- 17. Radioactivity and Nuclear Chemistry53m
Heating and Cooling Curves: Videos & Practice Problems
Heating and cooling curves illustrate the heat absorbed or released during phase changes. For water, key temperatures are 0°C (melting) and 100°C (boiling). During phase changes, temperature remains constant while average kinetic energy does not change, as heat converts to potential energy. The equations used are for temperature changes and for phase changes. Cooling curves represent exothermic processes where heat is released, leading to bond formation.
In Heating and Cooling curves we have the representation of the amount of heat absorbed or released during phase changes.
Heating & Cooling Curves
The Heating Curve
Video transcript
The Cooling Curve
Video transcript
In our discussion of the heating curve, we learned a few things. Now, let's apply what we learned to the cooling curve. From the name, we know that it is going the opposite way. But actually, before we begin talking about the cooling curve, let's go back to the heating curve. Let's talk about all the different portions of the heating curve, but I neglected to tell you why the lengths of things are different. Notice that the basic phase change from a solid to a liquid is smaller than from a liquid to a gas. That's because when you're going from a solid to a liquid, you're basically freeing the molecules from being completely stuck together. But even in a liquid, they're still pretty close to one another. You didn't separate them by that much of a distance. Therefore, the basic melting time is not going to be that big. But if we're going from a liquid to a gas, you actually have to separate the molecules very far apart because in gases, the molecules are great distances away from each other. And to go from being sliding on top of each other, being close together to being very separated, that requires a good amount of time, a good amount of energy. That's why the size of this line here is much larger. Oops, and it just disappeared. That's why that line there is much larger because it takes way more energy to be absorbed in order to go from a liquid to a gas because you're trying to spread the molecules even farther apart. Remember, in all this process, we're taking in heat. That means our q will be positive. This is an endothermic process where heat is being absorbed by the water so that we can break bonds.
In a cooling curve, we're releasing heat because, remember, if you're releasing heat, molecules are very energetic. They're bouncing everywhere, and you're trying to cool them off. How do you do that? You give them time to release their excess energy and they move slower, move slow enough, and they'll start to stick together. In a cooling curve, we're releasing heat. Q is negative, which will mean that we're exothermic. And the whole point of an exothermic process is to form bonds. Now, if we take a look here, we can still think of this in terms of water. At 100 degrees Celsius, water can either become vaporized where it's going from a liquid to a gas or it could start to condense. Here, remember, we have an equilibrium between liquid and gas. It's a liquid-gas mixture. Here that would mean that our ΔHvaporization would equal the ΔHcondensation. Remember, condensation means you're going from a gas to a liquid, so you're forming bonds so it's an exothermic process so it's negative. This would be negative. They're related to each other. Say they're equal. I'm going to say they're directly related to each other. Then, here at 0 degrees Celsius, water can either start to melt or it can start to freeze. Here we can say when we're talking about ΔHfusion, which deals with melting, we could connect that to ΔHfreezing. Why am I telling you this? Because I want you to realize here that I gave you ΔHfusion here and ΔHvaporization. We could change this to freezing. All we have to do is make the sign negative because freezing means we're making bonds; therefore, it's exothermic so the sign will become negative. Here, vaporization is related, is connected to condensation. And here that would mean the sign is negative. Okay. We'd still have at these parts, q equals m times Δh. But now this would be Δcondensation. And then here this would be q equals m×Δhfreezing. And then here we'd have these temperatures changing. So those would be q equals mcΔt. Here, remember we're a gas completely, which would mean that this c is for gases, for the gas form. Here, we are all liquid. This c would be for the liquid version of water. Here we're solid. So c here would be for the solid form of water. As we start to look at examples and questions and the calculations that are involved, keep in mind some of the key features we've talked about in terms of heating curves and cooling curves. Heating curves, we have to absorb energy in order to go from one phase to another. Absorbing energy means that we're endothermic, so our values would be positive. If you're in a cooling curve, you're releasing heat in order to form bonds, so you're exothermic. So your variables, your values will be negative. You'll get q's that are negative at the end. So keep in mind these fundamentals, and as we look at questions, apply what we learned here to answer those questions.
Heating and Cooling Curves
Video transcript
How much energy in kilojoules is required to convert 76.4 grams of acetone from a liquid at -30 degrees Celsius to a solid at -115 degrees Celsius? As we start at -30 degrees Celsius and move to -115 degrees Celsius with the freezing point of acetone at -95 degrees Celsius, we observe both a cooling and a phase change. The process involves first cooling down to the freezing point and then undergoing a phase change followed by further cooling as a solid.
Let's break down the calculations into three parts: the cooling as a liquid down to the freezing point (q1), the phase change at the freezing point (q2), and the further cooling as a solid down to -115 degrees Celsius (q3). Remember, freezing is an exothermic process, so heat will be released (negative q values).
First, for q1 where the acetone cools as a liquid from -30 to -95 degrees Celsius:
Using the specific heat of liquid acetone, the calculation involves the mass of acetone, the specific heat capacity, and the change in temperature, resulting in:
For q2, where the acetone undergoes freezing at -95 degrees Celsius:
Heat released during this exothermic phase change is calculated using the enthalpy of fusion, adjusted into kilojoules per mole of acetone, resulting in:
Finally, for q3 where the solid acetone cools from -95 to -115 degrees Celsius:
Using the specific heat of solid acetone:
Adding these values gives the total heat released during the entire process:
This is the total energy in kilojoules that is released when 76.4 grams of acetone freezes and cools from -30 degrees Celsius to -115 degrees Celsius.
If 53.2kJ of heat are added to a 15.5g ice cube at - 5.00 oC, what will be the resulting state and temperature of the substance?
Here’s what students ask on this topic:
What is a heating curve and what does it represent?
A heating curve is a graphical representation that shows how the temperature of a substance changes as heat is added over time. It illustrates the phase transitions a substance undergoes, such as melting and boiling. For water, key temperatures are 0°C (melting point) and 100°C (boiling point). During phase changes, the temperature remains constant, indicating that the added heat is used to change the phase rather than increase the temperature. The curve typically includes segments where the substance is in solid, liquid, and gas phases, as well as flat plateaus where phase changes occur.

Why does the temperature remain constant during a phase change?
During a phase change, the temperature remains constant because the heat energy added to the system is used to break intermolecular bonds rather than increase the kinetic energy of the particles. This energy is converted into potential energy, which changes the state of the substance. For example, when ice melts at 0°C, the heat energy is used to break the bonds between water molecules in the solid state, turning them into liquid water, without changing the temperature.

What equations are used to calculate heat during temperature changes and phase changes?
During temperature changes, the equation used is:
where q is the heat added, m is the mass, c is the specific heat capacity, and ΔT is the change in temperature.
During phase changes, the equation used is:
where q is the heat added, m is the mass, and ΔH is the enthalpy change of the phase transition (e.g., enthalpy of fusion or vaporization).

What is the difference between a heating curve and a cooling curve?
A heating curve shows how the temperature of a substance increases as heat is added, illustrating endothermic processes where heat is absorbed. Key features include plateaus at phase change points where temperature remains constant. A cooling curve, on the other hand, shows how the temperature decreases as heat is removed, illustrating exothermic processes where heat is released. In a cooling curve, the substance releases heat, leading to bond formation, and the temperature also remains constant during phase changes. The equations used are similar but with opposite signs for the enthalpy changes.

Why does it take more energy to go from a liquid to a gas than from a solid to a liquid?
It takes more energy to go from a liquid to a gas than from a solid to a liquid because the molecules in a gas are much farther apart than in a liquid. In a liquid, molecules are still relatively close and only need enough energy to overcome the forces keeping them in a fixed position. However, to transition to a gas, molecules must be separated by much greater distances, requiring significantly more energy to overcome the intermolecular forces. This is why the plateau for vaporization on a heating curve is longer than that for melting.