9. Solutions - Part 3 of 3
9. Solutions / Osmosis / Problem 11
A Lactated Ringer's Solution is isotonic with red blood cells while a 3% NaCl solution is hypertonic. Which of the following statement is true?
A. The Lactated Ringer's Solution has lower osmolarity as red blood cells while the 3% NaCl has greater osmolarity.
B. The Lactated Ringer's Solution has greater osmolarity as red blood cells while the 3% NaCl has lower osmolarity.
C. The Lactated Ringer's Solution has the same osmolarity as red blood cells while the 3% NaCl has greater osmolarity.
D. The Lactated Ringer's Solution has the same osmolarity as red blood cells while the 3% NaCl has lower osmolarity.
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