As I stated in the last video, chemistry serves as the central science that links together other scientific disciplines. So if we take a look here, we have chemistry in the center. From it, we can see that it's connected to all these other types of subjects. Each one of these subjects has an umbrella scientific discipline connected to it. So, for example, in the first one, we have anatomy, physiology, and genetics. This is under the umbrella of biology. So there's a direct connection between chemistry and biology, and biology and chemistry both ways. Biology is also connected to these other disciplines. We could think of the chemistry itself serving as the sun and all of these scientific disciplines, the planets that orbit it. They're connected to one another because they're part of the same solar system, and they're all connected to the Sun because they orbit the Sun. Alright.
So for the next one, we're going to go around this. We have molecular biology, immunology, endocrinology, and genetic engineering. This is all under biochemistry. So biology and chemistry mixed together. Next, we have here, pharmacology, nutrition, clinical chemistry, and radiology. This is actually part of medicine and allied health sciences. Here we have radiochemistry, body imaging, and nuclear chemistry. This is because nuclear medicine, which is part of nuclear chemistry. Alright. Coming over, we have quantum mechanics, spectroscopy, material science, and biomechanics. This one is a little bit off from the other ones because it's so heavily math-based. This is our friend, Physics. Next, we have our Physical Sciences, which is part of Geology. Then we have ecology and pollution studies, so this is part of our environmental sciences. Then here, moving up, we have botany and agronomy. We're talking about agriculture here, so this would be our let's see, plant sciences. So these would represent our different types of scientific disciplines, which orbit our central science of chemistry. Now, of course, if you consult one of these other scientific disciplines that people majoring in them, they'll say, no, they're the major part and everything branches off of them. So just realize at the end of the day, they're all connected to one another.