In this example, it says, "Write the sequence of pre-mRNA produced from the following DNA template strand." Now remember, it must be complementary to this, so it means that we need to be antiparallel in terms of our orientation, so we have our 3' here and our 5' here. Remember that since this is RNA, A is linked up with U and G is linked up with C. So here we'd have C, G, G, U, A, C, there's an A here so, UGUC A U. This is the sequence of our pre-mRNA.
Now, if we take a look, we have 3', 3', 3', 3', so it should be CGG initially. Here, put T. Remember, this is RNA, so it should not have Thymine involved. This is out. This would be the correct answer. Here, we made it a little trickier. This is the way we would see the pre-mRNA, but here we reversed it when we have our 5' end here and our 3' end here. But just go from 3' to 5'. Look at how the bases match up with the DNA template strand to find the correct answer. Again, the answer here would be option D.