In this example question, it says, based on the chart shown above, determine which of the following substances will be soluble in water. So in the first one, we have hydroxide. Hydroxide can be soluble if it's connected to CBS, calcium, barium, or strontium. Here, aluminum is not part of CBS; aluminum is not part of Ganna Cash, therefore, this is going to stay a solid.
Next, we have phosphate and zinc. Now phosphate doesn't have any exceptions from the chart above. Also, Ganna Cash is not involved here, because, remember, we have to take into consideration Ganna Cash depending on what they're connected to; they could have made this soluble. So here, this is not going to be soluble.
Next, we have silver with carbonate. Carbonate doesn't have any exceptions from the chart above. Silver is not part of Ganna Cash, so this will stay as solid.
Next we have the sulfide ion here, it's connected to calcium. Remember, sulfide has exceptions, CBS. If it is connected to calcium, barium, or strontium, it can be soluble. This would be soluble then.
And finally, we have magnesium with the chromate ion. So chromate doesn't have exceptions from the chart above, Magnesium is not part of Ganna Cash, so this would not be soluble, it would stay insoluble. So out of the choices given, only option d would create a soluble ionic solute.