So here it says, drawing answers for each given chiral molecule using method 1. Alright. So here we're going to imagine this is our mirror, and our molecule looks into it. When it does, it sees back its own reflection. So here we have our carbon, it would see this OH back in the mirror, we'd still have this methyl group here, and then we have these 2 in the back. Make sure you're showing the connections correctly, carbon to carbon. And then here connected to the H. So this would be the enantiomer or mirror image of our original molecule.
For the second one, we imagine there's a mirror here. We'd have these 2 carbons still connected to each other. And we're looking at our reflection in the mirror. So we'd have that H there, we'd have this H here, and this H here. And in the back, we have this H still here. This Br here in the back. And then finally, our NH2 here. So this would represent our 2nd mirror image or second enantiomer for this chiral molecule in option 2. Right. So this is how you would show both of our mirror images or enantiomers of our original chiral molecules.